Thursday, March 31, 2011

A Much More Yaqqothlian Map

Birthday Party is coming, and I'm still fucking around with GADD – sometimes I just hate myself. By the way, here's another hex-map, which should resemble the old one, although it looks much more Science Fantasy to me (and this is what this blog was meant to be about, right?) So I'll keep it. Can I key all this stuff in less than two days? Hell, no! But I'll do my best, starting from right now.

0202: The Black Ziggurat. Hidden in the deepest jungle and chocked full of giant mutated fungi lies a colossal obsidian ziggurat, so ancient that even legend forgot its existence. The Black Ziggurat is one of the aspects of the Blackest Tesserzigguract, and a door to all the worlds that host one. This Black Ziggurat, in particular, is also the tomb of the most powerful king of a lost Maya-like civilization (probably the same which built the Ruined City in hex 0403.)
0403: The Ruined City. Once known as Makapìchu, this ruined city now host a tribe of 400 cannibal aborigines. They speak their own, incomprehensible language (though a Magic-user would roughly understand what they say because of similarities with ancient, forbidden tomes of eldritch sorcery), and are ruled by The Superior Bone-cruncher, a Chaotic Human Evoker. They worship the Hungry Mother, a Spawn of Yog-Sothoth that dwells in a well in the center of the city, and feed her once a month with a female child.
0509: The City-state of Ibkah, ruled by Òzmul The Mad, also known as the Iridium Sorcerer. It's a port, featuring a flourishing slave trade, and one of the most famous Assassins Guild of all Yaqqothl. The inhabitants of Ibkah actively worship The Demon Lords of Sarnath, and the city hosts one of the most impressive temples of the cult, The Cathedral of St. Bérzul, lead by the self-proclamed Cardinal Azor. Azor is famous for his extreme positions and iron fist against heresy and the worshipping of false gods. Merchants and slavers are always in search of brave (and unscrupulous) adventurers to hire as mercenaries, the regular fee being 1gp per day for land travel, and 5sp per day for boat trips.
0603: Nest and hunting ground of a couple of mutated T-Rex. Their mutation consists of the fact that they are able to breath acid just like a Green Dragon (you don't want to try.) If stolen, their eggs can be used to produce great quantities of a powerful hallucinogen, or sold for the same reason (worth over 500gp each in Ibkah.)
0705: The Crystal Monolith. This weird monument is a sort of landing signal left by the Outer Ones, just in case of a trip back to Yaqqothl. It was made out of an alien, transparent, iridium gem, and holds no special powers. According to the rumors, it shows the way to the Black Ziggurat.
0907: The Monastery of Renewed Pain, ruled by Father Garxygyg. A group of about 100, mad monks live here, committed to prayer, copying old tomes of lost knowledge, cultivating the land and producing a fine malt beer. They are all devoted to the Demon Lords of Sarnath, and keep a vow of chastity.
1103: The Village of Tadék. Once an important commercial crossroad between Karzahd and Ibkah, nowadays a small, well-defended farm-community. The village is ruled by Sir Belziel, a Lawful Human Lord. The peasants avoid both the jungle and the mountains, for great perils lurk therein. The most profitable activity is farming, and also the caravans of merchants who cross the valley to the north. Thus, the valley is full of bandits (there's also a tribe of nomad barbarians, but they don't attack the caravans, although it is commonly believed that they are responsible of all the attacks.)
1203: The Fallen Gates of Karzhad. Once a fortress of the Mole-men, it was abandoned eons ago. Some says the Mole-men still live beneath the mountains, others that they dug too deep and too greedily and eventually awakened He Who Must Not Be Disturbed. Whichever way it went, during the curse of thousands of years many, nightmarish creatures have crawled into the darkness beneath, to avoid sunlight and look for easy prey to eat. None have dared to enter here from time immemorial.
1209: The Forgotten Temple of the Toad Demon. Hidden in the deepest recesses of the Venomous Marshes lies this temple, which once attracted thousands of faithful. During its decline, the most fervent believers refused to leave the cult, and over the course of hundreds of years evolved into primitive sub-humans, totally bound to the Toad Demon. They still celebrate obscene ceremonies and sacrifices in his name.

Encounters and more soon!


This inspired me today...

Photographed by Thanassis Krikis

Mister Trindade & Martim Vaz 2011 - Rodolfo Paes

Mister Trindade & Martim Vaz 2011

The rugby player Rodolfo Paes represent the islands of Trinidad & Martim Vaz, located about 1200 km from Vitoria (ES) in the 2011 Mister Brazil.

Rodolfo began his career in the sport in football, and has had teams like the Guarani and Ponte Preta, Campinas both. Recently he discovered rugby, rugby and play for the Winner, a new team that is playing in the access division of the Paulista Championship, which sponsors the candidate in the national competition.

Mister Trinidad & Martim Vaz is 1.88 m, 23, and includes the casting of the box "Wacky Races" Program of Gugu, da Rede Record.

Rodolfo will compete for the title of Mister Brazil 2011, May 7, at the Hotel do Frade, Angra dos Reis.

Special thanks and credits to

Mister Trindade & Martim Vaz 2011 - Rodolfo Paes

Mister Trindade & Martim Vaz 2011

The rugby player Rodolfo Paes represent the islands of Trinidad & Martim Vaz, located about 1200 km from Vitoria (ES) in the 2011 Mister Brazil.

Rodolfo began his career in the sport in football, and has had teams like the Guarani and Ponte Preta, Campinas both. Recently he discovered rugby, rugby and play for the Winner, a new team that is playing in the access division of the Paulista Championship, which sponsors the candidate in the national competition.

Mister Trinidad & Martim Vaz is 1.88 m, 23, and includes the casting of the box "Wacky Races" Program of Gugu, da Rede Record.

Rodolfo will compete for the title of Mister Brazil 2011, May 7, at the Hotel do Frade, Angra dos Reis.

Special thanks and credits to

Mister Pernambuco 2011 - Diego Lemos

Mister Pernambuco 2011

The entrepreneur and physical education teacher Diego Lemos, 29, born in Recife, Pernambuco is the Mister 2011.

The most beautiful of Pernambuco, 2011 has 1.85 m in height and also works as a model.

Diego will compete for the title of Mister Brazil 2011, May 7, at the Hotel do Frade, Angra dos Reis.

Special thanks to

Mister Pernambuco 2011 - Diego Lemos

Mister Pernambuco 2011

The entrepreneur and physical education teacher Diego Lemos, 29, born in Recife, Pernambuco is the Mister 2011.

The most beautiful of Pernambuco, 2011 has 1.85 m in height and also works as a model.

Diego will compete for the title of Mister Brazil 2011, May 7, at the Hotel do Frade, Angra dos Reis.

Special thanks to

Mister Paraná 2011 - James Zwiener

Mister Paraná 2011

James Zwiener, 26, an international model from Curitiba, Parana is the Mister 2011, thus succeeding the former BBB Rodrigão recently cleared of the eleventh edition of the global reality show.

The new Mister Paraná was elected in casting led by Sergio Mattos, the agency's 40 Degrees. After interviewing several models of Paraná, James was chosen as the most complete to enter the fray for the title of Mister Brazil.

He is 1.84 m tall, blue eyes and speaks English and Spanish and has traveled the world working as a model. Take care and feeding is a fan of healthy living. Mister Paraná 2011 enjoys reading, biking, surfing and being in touch with friends.

James will compete for the title of Mister Brazil 2011, May 7, at the Hotel do Frade, Angra dos Reis.

Special thanks and credits to

Mister Paraná 2011 - James Zwiener

Mister Paraná 2011

James Zwiener, 26, an international model from Curitiba, Parana is the Mister 2011, thus succeeding the former BBB Rodrigão recently cleared of the eleventh edition of the global reality show.

The new Mister Paraná was elected in casting led by Sergio Mattos, the agency's 40 Degrees. After interviewing several models of Paraná, James was chosen as the most complete to enter the fray for the title of Mister Brazil.

He is 1.84 m tall, blue eyes and speaks English and Spanish and has traveled the world working as a model. Take care and feeding is a fan of healthy living. Mister Paraná 2011 enjoys reading, biking, surfing and being in touch with friends.

James will compete for the title of Mister Brazil 2011, May 7, at the Hotel do Frade, Angra dos Reis.

Special thanks and credits to

Mister Anchieta Island 2011 - Diego Uchoa

Mister Anchieta Island 2011

Diego Uchoa, 22, 1.82 m, represent the Anchieta Island paradise, located on the northern coast of São Paulo.

Former professional soccer player, Diego has passed through Portuguese, Guarani and Corinthians, and played for Portuguese football, where he became deputy national champion. Back in Brazil, discovered rugby and today maintains a Winner Rugby team that sponsors the candidate at Mister Brazil.

"I fell in love with rugby and I hope one day to get to play in the national team," says Mister Anchieta Island.

Diego will compete for the title of Mister Brazil 2011, May 7, at the Hotel do Frade, Angra dos Reis.

Special thanks and credits to

Mister Anchieta Island 2011 - Diego Uchoa

Mister Anchieta Island 2011

Diego Uchoa, 22, 1.82 m, represent the Anchieta Island paradise, located on the northern coast of São Paulo.

Former professional soccer player, Diego has passed through Portuguese, Guarani and Corinthians, and played for Portuguese football, where he became deputy national champion. Back in Brazil, discovered rugby and today maintains a Winner Rugby team that sponsors the candidate at Mister Brazil.

"I fell in love with rugby and I hope one day to get to play in the national team," says Mister Anchieta Island.

Diego will compete for the title of Mister Brazil 2011, May 7, at the Hotel do Frade, Angra dos Reis.

Special thanks and credits to

April Fools Pranks

It seems that people have got the April fools pranks on their minds. It is very important that you are the fooler and not the foolee. It can be pretty embarrassing to be fooled on April 1st but it sure is fun to fool others. Let’s look at some April fools pranks that you can pull on others.

When it comes to April fools pranks there are some extreme ones that you can pull and some that are just a little funny. If you are looking on the serious side you should get some props. One of the props that you may consider is getting bloody hands. You can put them up your sleeves and in the morning you can come in running and the saying help!! That will scare the daylights out of most people.

You could also fool someone with a fake lottery ticket. You may get hit however. The fake lottery ticket will say “You have won x amount of dollars” and then when they flip it over the ticket will say “You can redeem this at ‘Yo mama’s house’”

April Fools Pranks

It seems that people have got the April fools pranks on their minds. It is very important that you are the fooler and not the foolee. It can be pretty embarrassing to be fooled on April 1st but it sure is fun to fool others. Let’s look at some April fools pranks that you can pull on others.

When it comes to April fools pranks there are some extreme ones that you can pull and some that are just a little funny. If you are looking on the serious side you should get some props. One of the props that you may consider is getting bloody hands. You can put them up your sleeves and in the morning you can come in running and the saying help!! That will scare the daylights out of most people.

You could also fool someone with a fake lottery ticket. You may get hit however. The fake lottery ticket will say “You have won x amount of dollars” and then when they flip it over the ticket will say “You can redeem this at ‘Yo mama’s house’”

April Fools Pranks

It seems that people have got the April fools pranks on their minds. It is very important that you are the fooler and not the foolee. It can be pretty embarrassing to be fooled on April 1st but it sure is fun to fool others. Let’s look at some April fools pranks that you can pull on others.

When it comes to April fools pranks there are some extreme ones that you can pull and some that are just a little funny. If you are looking on the serious side you should get some props. One of the props that you may consider is getting bloody hands. You can put them up your sleeves and in the morning you can come in running and the saying help!! That will scare the daylights out of most people.

You could also fool someone with a fake lottery ticket. You may get hit however. The fake lottery ticket will say “You have won x amount of dollars” and then when they flip it over the ticket will say “You can redeem this at ‘Yo mama’s house’”

Mister Sergipe 2011 - Andrew Aragon

Mister Sergipe 2011

Mister Sergipe was replaced and the new state representative is the model Andrew Aragon, 1.89 m tall and currently lives in São Paulo.

Andrew will compete for the title of the 2011 Mister Brazil Hotel do Frade , Angra dos Reis, between January and May 8. The final will take place on the 7th.

Special thanks and credits to

Mister Sergipe 2011 - Andrew Aragon

Mister Sergipe 2011

Mister Sergipe was replaced and the new state representative is the model Andrew Aragon, 1.89 m tall and currently lives in São Paulo.

Andrew will compete for the title of the 2011 Mister Brazil Hotel do Frade , Angra dos Reis, between January and May 8. The final will take place on the 7th.

Special thanks and credits to

Mister São Paulo - Vitor Franceschini

Mister and Miss São Paulo in Ribeirão Preto in 2011 were elected on Saturday night in Ribeirao Preto, Sao Paulo 2011 Miss World and Mister São Paulo 2011. The winners were Ana Cecília Cunha, Miss Capital, and Vitor Franceschini, Mr. Luiz Antonio.

Twenty candidates competed for the title of Mister St. Paul, having stayed in second place with Mister Ribeirão Preto, Thiago Scatena, and the third with Mister Serrana, Kellton Viana.

Candidates for Rifaina, Eduardo Flores, Sumaré. Geancarlo Ribeiro, Igarapava, Rafael Machado, San Sebastian, Levy Santos, and Sertãozinho Maxwell Garden, completed the group of seven finalists.

The Miss and Mister Saint Paul 2011 was presented by Caius Lucius Ribeiro, Sao Paulo and Mister International 2010, and Jeanine Castro, Minas Gerais Miss World 2009, Vila das Flores in space.

Mister Brazil 2011 will take place at the Hotel do Frade, between January and May 8.

Mister São Paulo - Vitor Franceschini

Mister and Miss São Paulo in Ribeirão Preto in 2011 were elected on Saturday night in Ribeirao Preto, Sao Paulo 2011 Miss World and Mister São Paulo 2011. The winners were Ana Cecília Cunha, Miss Capital, and Vitor Franceschini, Mr. Luiz Antonio.

Twenty candidates competed for the title of Mister St. Paul, having stayed in second place with Mister Ribeirão Preto, Thiago Scatena, and the third with Mister Serrana, Kellton Viana.

Candidates for Rifaina, Eduardo Flores, Sumaré. Geancarlo Ribeiro, Igarapava, Rafael Machado, San Sebastian, Levy Santos, and Sertãozinho Maxwell Garden, completed the group of seven finalists.

The Miss and Mister Saint Paul 2011 was presented by Caius Lucius Ribeiro, Sao Paulo and Mister International 2010, and Jeanine Castro, Minas Gerais Miss World 2009, Vila das Flores in space.

Mister Brazil 2011 will take place at the Hotel do Frade, between January and May 8.

Mister Santa Catarina 2011 - Ralph Santos

Mister Santa Catarina 2011

Ralph Santos, 27, 1.85 m, is the Mister Santa Catarina 2010. Although currently residing in Brasilia, Ralph spent most of his life in Santa Catarina state will represent Brazil in the 2011 Mister.

If one part of the Santa Catarina humble origins has always dreamed of a modeling career, only now can invest in this project since early age had to battle to ensure a good standard of living for himself and his family. He has worked in the trade as a seller of gas, and since 2008 working as a congressional aide in Washington.

He graduated in Business Administration.

But never forget that the state so well received and is proud to represent: "Whenever I'm in Floripa or other cities of Santa Catarina, a state that lives in my heart," says.

Participate Mister Brazil means the realization of a dream for Ralf: "I dream you dream alone is only a dream. But that dream you dream together, always turns reality, many people embarked on this project with me and supports me unconditionally," says the most beautiful man in Santa Catarina.

He will compete for the title of Mister Brazil 2011, between January and May 8 at the Hotel do Frade, Angra dos Reis.

Special thanks and credits to

Mister Santa Catarina 2011 - Ralph Santos

Mister Santa Catarina 2011

Ralph Santos, 27, 1.85 m, is the Mister Santa Catarina 2010. Although currently residing in Brasilia, Ralph spent most of his life in Santa Catarina state will represent Brazil in the 2011 Mister.

If one part of the Santa Catarina humble origins has always dreamed of a modeling career, only now can invest in this project since early age had to battle to ensure a good standard of living for himself and his family. He has worked in the trade as a seller of gas, and since 2008 working as a congressional aide in Washington.

He graduated in Business Administration.

But never forget that the state so well received and is proud to represent: "Whenever I'm in Floripa or other cities of Santa Catarina, a state that lives in my heart," says.

Participate Mister Brazil means the realization of a dream for Ralf: "I dream you dream alone is only a dream. But that dream you dream together, always turns reality, many people embarked on this project with me and supports me unconditionally," says the most beautiful man in Santa Catarina.

He will compete for the title of Mister Brazil 2011, between January and May 8 at the Hotel do Frade, Angra dos Reis.

Special thanks and credits to


Justin Hyte

ONE: No room for less than intoxicating fantasies.
 If you really are a fashion heroine/hero you will not be afraid of dreaming. As Da Vinci said once eyes see more clearly in dreams than imagination when awake.

Primeira: Não há espaço para nada menos que fantasias intoxicantes.
Se realmente és um(a) fashion Heroine/heroe não podes ter medo de sonhar. Como uma vez da Vinci disse os olhos vêm mais claramente em sonhos que a imaginação acordada.

Madame Grès' dress
TWO: Be super smart against people who believe themselves superior because if they feel so they certainly will be mindless or in current language donkeys.

Segunda: Sê super inteligente contra aqueles que se julgam superiores porque se eles se sentem assim é porque certamente são fracos de mente ou em linguagem corriqueira: Burros.
Divva Zappa

THREE: Do not have afraid of the slaves of commonplaces, they should have certain virtues but they are above all slaves of security that is a thing doesn’t exist, security is an Utopia, a non-place invented by breakable people to feel better before their unbreakable brothers.

Terceira:  Não tenhas receio dos escravos do lugar comum, certamente eles terão muitas virtudes, mas, são sobretudo escravos da segurança. Mas, a segurança não existe, a segurança é uma utopia, um não-lugar inventado por pessoas que quebram facilmente para se sentirem melhores perante os seus irmãos inquebráveis.

Alexander McQueen fashion show (2000) 
FOUR: Be daring not in your imagination, not only in your outfits, not only in your likeness… be daring in your purposes and integrity, be different in your goals and wishes, be a cloud floating into the blue in a sunny day, you will upset ordinary people who can’t see the beauty of a cloud and its potential but you will get the power of being you 

Quarta: Sê atrevida (o) mas não só na tua imaginação, não só nas roupas que usas, não só na aparência... Sê atrevida (o) nos teus propósitos e integridade, sê diferente nos teus objectivos e desejos, sê uma nuvem flutuando no azul num dia de sol, poderás aborrecer os vulgares de espírito que não conseguem ver a beleza de uma nuvem solitária e o seu potencial mas obterás o poder de seres tu. 

Miles Aldrige
 FIVE: If you play always for safeness you will lose the vision behind the obvious and you will miss the eternal perfume when the rose died.

Quinta: Se jogares sempre pelo seguro perderás a visão por detrás do óbvio e perderás o perfume eterno quando a rosa morrer.

Nick Knight
SIX: Be adventurous, life is hard but too much sugar can get you sick. Drama make you more sensitive and wonderful human.

Sexta: Sê aventureira (o), a vida é dura mas demasiado açúcar deixar-te-à enjoada (o). O drama tornar-te mais sensitiva (o) e um humano maravilhoso. 

Quentin Wispelaere
 SEVEN: Deadly sins are dead! Sinless doesn't exist.  

Sétima: Os pecados mortais estão mortos.

Logan White

EIGHT: Make a print of your life and if you don’t like enough the picture to hang on the wall of your favorite room, change it now!

Oitava: faz uma inpressão da tua vida e se não gostares do quadro o suficiente para o pendurares na parede do teu quarto preferido, muda a tua vida!

Gregoire Alexander
NINE: To change is not enough to think about it, you need to do it. So begin to read this and when you will finish change really something in your actions or you will become pretty superstitious to change anything. One day… is a non-day, do you know?

Nona: Para mudar não basta pensar nisso, é preciso faze-lo. Começa por ler isto e quando acabares muda a realidade de alguma coisa ou tornar-te-às supersticioso e nunca mudarás nada. Um dia... é um não-dia, sabias?

Cate Blanchett by Irving Penn
 TEN: Be impractical when everyone and everything must be a function: From now you will have a mission not a duty! Buy these impractical shoes; wear that impractical backless knitwear; write impractical rules and never mind if they are NOT practicable; Do impractical things to prove to you that the impossible is nothing!

Décima: Sê impraticável quando todos e tudo têm que ter uma função: A partir de agora terás uma missão não deveres. Compra esses sapatos não práticos; veste aquela canisola de malha sem costas; escreve regras impraticáveis e não te preocupes se elas não forem realizáveis; faz coisas impraticáveis para provares a ti próprio que o impossível é nada! 

Pierre Verdy
  ELEVEN: Be honest and never make a copy paste of someone (famous or not). Icons should inspire you not make you lie about yourself. If a fashion (or cultural) icon doesn’t inspire you to make a better version of himself than he will be a false icon that’s for sure.

Décima-primeira: Sê honesta (o) e nunca faças copy paste de ninguém (famoso ou não). Os icons devem inspirar-te não fazerem de ti uma mentira. Se um icon não te inspirar a fazer uma versão melhor de si próprio então será um falso idolo.
Felix Partz
 TWELVE: Be hot in everything you do because more than what is HOW do you do the big thing in life. Most of the time you can’t choose what but almost always you can choose HOW to do it! Your own style is revealing how do you do things and not in what do you do.

Décima-segunda: Sê sexy em tudo o que fizeres porque masi do que o quê o como é que importa na vida. A maior parte das vezes não podes escolher o que é que fazes mas quase sempre podes escolher como o fazes. É na maneira como fazes as coisas que revelas o teu estilo.  

Steven Meisel

THIRTEEN: Be hopeful, if you haven’t why got on your imagination. Life without hope and drama is an insane non-purpose life. Drama is necessary for the needing of hope and hope is needed to get drama alive. 

Décima-terceira: Tem esperança, se não tiveres por que ter esperança usa a tua imaginação e inventa motivos. A vida sem esperança e drama é uma vida insana e sem propósito. O drama é necessário para a necessidade de esperança e a esperança é precisa para manter o drama vivo.

Quentin Wispeleare

FOURTEEN: If you are a great actress on stage, you fake emotions too well; In life it’s pretty equal:
Life is the best stage, so don’t be afraid to get emotional , you get a good reputation of being cold and rational but you will lose the lightness of tears and the beauty after the rain stops. 

Décima-quarta: Se no palco és uma excelente actriz é porque finges bem as emoções; Na vida é semelhante: A vida é o melhor palco pelo que não tenhas receio de ser emotiva. Podes ganhar uma óptima reputação por seres fria e racional, mas, assim perderás a leveza das lágrimas e a luz após um dia de chuva.  

Richard Burbridge
FIFTEEN: Be a child but a damn innocent  child... and pray God to make you good ... but not yet!

décima-quinta:  Sé criança, mas uma criança danada e inocente.. e reza a Deus para te fazer boa... mas que não seja para já.                                                                  

Jacqueline Roberts

SIXTEEN:  Be a glamorous exquisite alternative to youself and celebrate the wild at heart.

Décima-sexta:  Sê uma versão glamourosa, requintada e alternativa de ti própria (o) e celebra os selvagens de coração.         
