Friday, April 30, 2010


Every month I read tons of magazines, every single day I visit dozens of blogues and sites, and I must say that mostly of them speak the same subjects and repeating the same things almost simultaneously, with some exceptions of course. I try to avoid the same posts and published similar photos of the others blogs but it's not an easy task to do because the sources are limited and information are global around the globe.

If I buy a magazine at the train station, when I will come to the next stop, less than an half hour later, I already red it. Sometimes I get the impression that the headtitles and the descriptions are always the same in all magazines and some blogs. There is a series of adjectives and expressions that are used over and over. The Miss at La Playa blog made a selection of words and expressions used by fashion magazines and blogs to exhaustion.

So I make you a suggestion and a challenge, if you are a journalist or a blogger try to talk about fashion and writte an article or post without use this words/expressions. The readers will thank you.

-L'enfant terrible
- Eco-chic
- Boho chic
- The next Kate Moss
- Vintage - The new black
- Très chic
- Cool
- Intelligent prices. Expensive prices are stupid or what?
- Country chic
- Vip
- Modern
- Avant-garde
- Retro
- Working girl
- Preppy
- Hit
- Must
- "In"
- Cool
- Très belle
- (...) & the city
- Safari
- It girl
- The new Audrey Hepburn
- Femme fatale
- Rockabilly
- Muse
- Licence to (...)
- Deluxe
- Flower party
- Zoom
- Sport chic
- Minimal
- Pin-up
- Made in (...)
- Techno fashion
- Fabulous at every age
- Perfect match
- Key pieces
- Confidential
- Face to face
- Basics
- Risky business
- Deluxe
- At work
- Eclectic
- Neutral
- Edgy
- Most wanted
- The show must go on
- Mix & Match
- The next Marilyn Monroe
- Work the (+ a trend)
- Material girl
- Power dressing
- Icon
- Fashion fix
- Underground
- Hotlist
- Insider
- Twist
- Extra
- Ageless beauty
- Curvy
- The next Brigitte Bardot
- Militar
- Influence
- Inspiration
- Jet set
- The (...) of the moment
- Pop
- Classics
- Uptown girl
- A star is born
- From Paris/Russia with love
- Smart shopping - Comeback 


exxon valdez

Coast Guard Defends Reaction As Oil Nears Land

The Coast Guard on Friday defended the federal response to a massive oil leak in the Gulf of Mexico as the first waves of crude neared Louisiana's wetlands and the White House put a hold on new offshore drilling until the spill is investigated.

Rear Adm. Sally Brice-O'Hara, appearing on multiple TV news shows, said the federal response led by the Coast Guard has been rapid and sustained, and that it has adapted as the threat has grown since a drill rig exploded and sank last week. The Coast Guard, she said, has been closely monitoring efforts directed by oil company BP PLC to contain and stop the spill — which could surpass the Exxon Valdez disaster in scope — and has filled in gaps where needed.

The National Weather Service predicted winds, high tides and waves through Sunday that could push oil deep into the inlets, ponds and lakes that line the boot of southeast Louisiana. Seas of 6 to 7 feet were pushing tides several feet above normal toward the coast, compounded by thunderstorms expected in the area Friday.

Crews are unable to skim oil from the surface or burn it off for the next couple of days because of the weather, Brice-O'Hara said.

Waves may also wash over booms strung out just off shorelines to stop the oil, said Tom McKenzie, a spokesman for U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, which is hoping booms will keep oil off the Chandeleur Islands, part of a national wildlife refuge. "The challenge is, are they going to hold up in any kind of serious weather," McKenzie said. "And if there's oil, will the oil overcome the barriers even though they're ... executed well?"

Top White house adviser David Axelrod said Friday that no new oil drilling will be authorized until authorities learn what caused the explosion of the Deepwater Horizon rig about 50 miles off the Louisiana Coast. "No additional drilling has been authorized and none will until we find out what has happened here," he told ABC's Good Morning America. President Obama had recently lifted a drilling moratorium for many offshore areas, including the Atlantic and Gulf areas.

The spill was up to five times larger than first estimated, officials said, and was drifting inexorably toward the Gulf Coast on Friday. "It is of grave concern," David Kennedy of the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration told The Associated Press. "I am frightened. This is a very, very big thing. And the efforts that are going to be required to do anything about it, especially if it continues on, are just mind-boggling."

The oil slick could become the nation's worst environmental disaster in decades, threatening hundreds of species of fish, birds and other wildlife along the Gulf Coast, one of the world's richest seafood grounds, teeming with shrimp, oysters and other marine life.

Louisiana Gov. Bobby Jindal declared a state of emergency Thursday, and President Obama pledged that his administration will use "every single resource at our disposal." Jindal made the declaration shortly after Homeland Security Secretary Janet Napolitano called the disaster a "spill of national significance."

The Coast Guard worked with British oil giant BP, which operated the rig that exploded April 20 and then sank, to deploy floating booms, skimmers and chemical dispersants, and to set controlled fires to burn the oil off the water's surface. Obama said the response could include the Defense Department.

Thursday's order allows the state to free up resources to begin preparing for the oil to reach the shore.

Napolitano, Interior Secretary Ken Salazar and environmental protection administrator Lisa Jackson will travel Friday to the Gulf of Mexico to oversee efforts to contain the spill. White House press secretary Robert Gibbs said the administration also may send military ships and personnel to help control damage from the spill.

BP confirmed Thursday that up to 5,000 barrels, or 200,000 gallons, of oil a day are spilling from the site of the deadly oil rig explosion. At that rate, the spill could easily eclipse the worst oil spill in U.S. history — the 11 million gallons that leaked from the grounded tanker Exxon Valdez in Alaska's Prince William Sound in 1989 — in the three months it could take to drill a relief well and plug the gushing well 5,000 feet underwater on the seafloor. Ultimately, the spill could grow much larger than the Valdez because Gulf of Mexico wells typically hold many times more oil than a single tanker.

Jackie Savitz, a toxicology scientist with the environmental group Oceani, says that at the current flow rate, the spill will reach the 11 million gallon mark of the Exxon Valdez spill in 50 days. The Gulf holds several endangered and threatened species, including four species of endangered sea turtle, in addition to dolphins, porpoises and whales.

"This is one of only two spawning areas for bluefin tuna in the world," Savitz said. "If larvae are exposed, there's a good chance they won't survive or their survival will be reduced because of the oil spill." Doug Suttles, the oil company's chief operating officer, told NBC's Today show that oil is bubbling up from the ocean bottom at a rate of 1,000 to 5,000 barrels a day. He said the company would welcome help from the U.S. Defense Department and other agencies in containing the slick.

"We'll take help from anyone," Suttles said.

As the slick has grown, so have potential cleanup costs.

"As the president and the law have made clear, BP is the responsible party" for costs, Napolitano said. Coast Guard Rear Adm. Mary Landry said it may be time for government agencies to offer up "technologies that may surpass abilities of the private sector" to get the slick under control.

Landry said Thursday that more than 5,000 barrels a day of sweet crude are discharging into the gulf, not the 1,000 barrels officials had estimated in the days after the explosion. The new oil spill estimate came from the federal National Oceanic Atmospheric Administration.

Initially, Suttles said he did not believe the amount of oil spilling into the water was greater than earlier estimates. But on Thursday, he acknowledged that the leak may be as high as the government is estimating. "Using the satellite imagery and our overflights, we can now say it looks like it's more than a thousand. It's a range" of up to 5,000, he said.

BP spokesman John Curry said it doesn't really matter what the numbers are; the slick is what it is, and corralling it is the important thing.

"We can't physically go down and put a meter on the leak to measure how much is flowing, so it's all a guess, it's all an estimate," he said. "And the different estimates don't change our response. I mean, they all are within the general range of uncertainty, and we're not going to stop until we get this done."

Eleven workers are missing and presumed dead, and more than 100 escaped the blast, the cause of which has not been determined.

Industry officials say replacing the Deepwater Horizon, owned by Transocean Ltd. and operated by BP, would cost up to $700 million. BP has said its costs for containing the spill are running at $6 million a day. The company said it will spend $100 million to drill the relief well. The Coast Guard has not yet reported its expenses.

exxon valdez

Coast Guard Defends Reaction As Oil Nears Land

The Coast Guard on Friday defended the federal response to a massive oil leak in the Gulf of Mexico as the first waves of crude neared Louisiana's wetlands and the White House put a hold on new offshore drilling until the spill is investigated.

Rear Adm. Sally Brice-O'Hara, appearing on multiple TV news shows, said the federal response led by the Coast Guard has been rapid and sustained, and that it has adapted as the threat has grown since a drill rig exploded and sank last week. The Coast Guard, she said, has been closely monitoring efforts directed by oil company BP PLC to contain and stop the spill — which could surpass the Exxon Valdez disaster in scope — and has filled in gaps where needed.

The National Weather Service predicted winds, high tides and waves through Sunday that could push oil deep into the inlets, ponds and lakes that line the boot of southeast Louisiana. Seas of 6 to 7 feet were pushing tides several feet above normal toward the coast, compounded by thunderstorms expected in the area Friday.

Crews are unable to skim oil from the surface or burn it off for the next couple of days because of the weather, Brice-O'Hara said.

Waves may also wash over booms strung out just off shorelines to stop the oil, said Tom McKenzie, a spokesman for U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, which is hoping booms will keep oil off the Chandeleur Islands, part of a national wildlife refuge. "The challenge is, are they going to hold up in any kind of serious weather," McKenzie said. "And if there's oil, will the oil overcome the barriers even though they're ... executed well?"

Top White house adviser David Axelrod said Friday that no new oil drilling will be authorized until authorities learn what caused the explosion of the Deepwater Horizon rig about 50 miles off the Louisiana Coast. "No additional drilling has been authorized and none will until we find out what has happened here," he told ABC's Good Morning America. President Obama had recently lifted a drilling moratorium for many offshore areas, including the Atlantic and Gulf areas.

The spill was up to five times larger than first estimated, officials said, and was drifting inexorably toward the Gulf Coast on Friday. "It is of grave concern," David Kennedy of the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration told The Associated Press. "I am frightened. This is a very, very big thing. And the efforts that are going to be required to do anything about it, especially if it continues on, are just mind-boggling."

The oil slick could become the nation's worst environmental disaster in decades, threatening hundreds of species of fish, birds and other wildlife along the Gulf Coast, one of the world's richest seafood grounds, teeming with shrimp, oysters and other marine life.

Louisiana Gov. Bobby Jindal declared a state of emergency Thursday, and President Obama pledged that his administration will use "every single resource at our disposal." Jindal made the declaration shortly after Homeland Security Secretary Janet Napolitano called the disaster a "spill of national significance."

The Coast Guard worked with British oil giant BP, which operated the rig that exploded April 20 and then sank, to deploy floating booms, skimmers and chemical dispersants, and to set controlled fires to burn the oil off the water's surface. Obama said the response could include the Defense Department.

Thursday's order allows the state to free up resources to begin preparing for the oil to reach the shore.

Napolitano, Interior Secretary Ken Salazar and environmental protection administrator Lisa Jackson will travel Friday to the Gulf of Mexico to oversee efforts to contain the spill. White House press secretary Robert Gibbs said the administration also may send military ships and personnel to help control damage from the spill.

BP confirmed Thursday that up to 5,000 barrels, or 200,000 gallons, of oil a day are spilling from the site of the deadly oil rig explosion. At that rate, the spill could easily eclipse the worst oil spill in U.S. history — the 11 million gallons that leaked from the grounded tanker Exxon Valdez in Alaska's Prince William Sound in 1989 — in the three months it could take to drill a relief well and plug the gushing well 5,000 feet underwater on the seafloor. Ultimately, the spill could grow much larger than the Valdez because Gulf of Mexico wells typically hold many times more oil than a single tanker.

Jackie Savitz, a toxicology scientist with the environmental group Oceani, says that at the current flow rate, the spill will reach the 11 million gallon mark of the Exxon Valdez spill in 50 days. The Gulf holds several endangered and threatened species, including four species of endangered sea turtle, in addition to dolphins, porpoises and whales.

"This is one of only two spawning areas for bluefin tuna in the world," Savitz said. "If larvae are exposed, there's a good chance they won't survive or their survival will be reduced because of the oil spill." Doug Suttles, the oil company's chief operating officer, told NBC's Today show that oil is bubbling up from the ocean bottom at a rate of 1,000 to 5,000 barrels a day. He said the company would welcome help from the U.S. Defense Department and other agencies in containing the slick.

"We'll take help from anyone," Suttles said.

As the slick has grown, so have potential cleanup costs.

"As the president and the law have made clear, BP is the responsible party" for costs, Napolitano said. Coast Guard Rear Adm. Mary Landry said it may be time for government agencies to offer up "technologies that may surpass abilities of the private sector" to get the slick under control.

Landry said Thursday that more than 5,000 barrels a day of sweet crude are discharging into the gulf, not the 1,000 barrels officials had estimated in the days after the explosion. The new oil spill estimate came from the federal National Oceanic Atmospheric Administration.

Initially, Suttles said he did not believe the amount of oil spilling into the water was greater than earlier estimates. But on Thursday, he acknowledged that the leak may be as high as the government is estimating. "Using the satellite imagery and our overflights, we can now say it looks like it's more than a thousand. It's a range" of up to 5,000, he said.

BP spokesman John Curry said it doesn't really matter what the numbers are; the slick is what it is, and corralling it is the important thing.

"We can't physically go down and put a meter on the leak to measure how much is flowing, so it's all a guess, it's all an estimate," he said. "And the different estimates don't change our response. I mean, they all are within the general range of uncertainty, and we're not going to stop until we get this done."

Eleven workers are missing and presumed dead, and more than 100 escaped the blast, the cause of which has not been determined.

Industry officials say replacing the Deepwater Horizon, owned by Transocean Ltd. and operated by BP, would cost up to $700 million. BP has said its costs for containing the spill are running at $6 million a day. The company said it will spend $100 million to drill the relief well. The Coast Guard has not yet reported its expenses.

exxon valdez

Coast Guard Defends Reaction As Oil Nears Land

The Coast Guard on Friday defended the federal response to a massive oil leak in the Gulf of Mexico as the first waves of crude neared Louisiana's wetlands and the White House put a hold on new offshore drilling until the spill is investigated.

Rear Adm. Sally Brice-O'Hara, appearing on multiple TV news shows, said the federal response led by the Coast Guard has been rapid and sustained, and that it has adapted as the threat has grown since a drill rig exploded and sank last week. The Coast Guard, she said, has been closely monitoring efforts directed by oil company BP PLC to contain and stop the spill — which could surpass the Exxon Valdez disaster in scope — and has filled in gaps where needed.

The National Weather Service predicted winds, high tides and waves through Sunday that could push oil deep into the inlets, ponds and lakes that line the boot of southeast Louisiana. Seas of 6 to 7 feet were pushing tides several feet above normal toward the coast, compounded by thunderstorms expected in the area Friday.

Crews are unable to skim oil from the surface or burn it off for the next couple of days because of the weather, Brice-O'Hara said.

Waves may also wash over booms strung out just off shorelines to stop the oil, said Tom McKenzie, a spokesman for U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, which is hoping booms will keep oil off the Chandeleur Islands, part of a national wildlife refuge. "The challenge is, are they going to hold up in any kind of serious weather," McKenzie said. "And if there's oil, will the oil overcome the barriers even though they're ... executed well?"

Top White house adviser David Axelrod said Friday that no new oil drilling will be authorized until authorities learn what caused the explosion of the Deepwater Horizon rig about 50 miles off the Louisiana Coast. "No additional drilling has been authorized and none will until we find out what has happened here," he told ABC's Good Morning America. President Obama had recently lifted a drilling moratorium for many offshore areas, including the Atlantic and Gulf areas.

The spill was up to five times larger than first estimated, officials said, and was drifting inexorably toward the Gulf Coast on Friday. "It is of grave concern," David Kennedy of the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration told The Associated Press. "I am frightened. This is a very, very big thing. And the efforts that are going to be required to do anything about it, especially if it continues on, are just mind-boggling."

The oil slick could become the nation's worst environmental disaster in decades, threatening hundreds of species of fish, birds and other wildlife along the Gulf Coast, one of the world's richest seafood grounds, teeming with shrimp, oysters and other marine life.

Louisiana Gov. Bobby Jindal declared a state of emergency Thursday, and President Obama pledged that his administration will use "every single resource at our disposal." Jindal made the declaration shortly after Homeland Security Secretary Janet Napolitano called the disaster a "spill of national significance."

The Coast Guard worked with British oil giant BP, which operated the rig that exploded April 20 and then sank, to deploy floating booms, skimmers and chemical dispersants, and to set controlled fires to burn the oil off the water's surface. Obama said the response could include the Defense Department.

Thursday's order allows the state to free up resources to begin preparing for the oil to reach the shore.

Napolitano, Interior Secretary Ken Salazar and environmental protection administrator Lisa Jackson will travel Friday to the Gulf of Mexico to oversee efforts to contain the spill. White House press secretary Robert Gibbs said the administration also may send military ships and personnel to help control damage from the spill.

BP confirmed Thursday that up to 5,000 barrels, or 200,000 gallons, of oil a day are spilling from the site of the deadly oil rig explosion. At that rate, the spill could easily eclipse the worst oil spill in U.S. history — the 11 million gallons that leaked from the grounded tanker Exxon Valdez in Alaska's Prince William Sound in 1989 — in the three months it could take to drill a relief well and plug the gushing well 5,000 feet underwater on the seafloor. Ultimately, the spill could grow much larger than the Valdez because Gulf of Mexico wells typically hold many times more oil than a single tanker.

Jackie Savitz, a toxicology scientist with the environmental group Oceani, says that at the current flow rate, the spill will reach the 11 million gallon mark of the Exxon Valdez spill in 50 days. The Gulf holds several endangered and threatened species, including four species of endangered sea turtle, in addition to dolphins, porpoises and whales.

"This is one of only two spawning areas for bluefin tuna in the world," Savitz said. "If larvae are exposed, there's a good chance they won't survive or their survival will be reduced because of the oil spill." Doug Suttles, the oil company's chief operating officer, told NBC's Today show that oil is bubbling up from the ocean bottom at a rate of 1,000 to 5,000 barrels a day. He said the company would welcome help from the U.S. Defense Department and other agencies in containing the slick.

"We'll take help from anyone," Suttles said.

As the slick has grown, so have potential cleanup costs.

"As the president and the law have made clear, BP is the responsible party" for costs, Napolitano said. Coast Guard Rear Adm. Mary Landry said it may be time for government agencies to offer up "technologies that may surpass abilities of the private sector" to get the slick under control.

Landry said Thursday that more than 5,000 barrels a day of sweet crude are discharging into the gulf, not the 1,000 barrels officials had estimated in the days after the explosion. The new oil spill estimate came from the federal National Oceanic Atmospheric Administration.

Initially, Suttles said he did not believe the amount of oil spilling into the water was greater than earlier estimates. But on Thursday, he acknowledged that the leak may be as high as the government is estimating. "Using the satellite imagery and our overflights, we can now say it looks like it's more than a thousand. It's a range" of up to 5,000, he said.

BP spokesman John Curry said it doesn't really matter what the numbers are; the slick is what it is, and corralling it is the important thing.

"We can't physically go down and put a meter on the leak to measure how much is flowing, so it's all a guess, it's all an estimate," he said. "And the different estimates don't change our response. I mean, they all are within the general range of uncertainty, and we're not going to stop until we get this done."

Eleven workers are missing and presumed dead, and more than 100 escaped the blast, the cause of which has not been determined.

Industry officials say replacing the Deepwater Horizon, owned by Transocean Ltd. and operated by BP, would cost up to $700 million. BP has said its costs for containing the spill are running at $6 million a day. The company said it will spend $100 million to drill the relief well. The Coast Guard has not yet reported its expenses.

Vera Baker

Vera Baker was Obama's mistress: Swiss paper says it has evidence to prove it

Swiss newspaper Le Matin is reviving old claims that President Barack Obama had an extramarital affair in 2004 with Vera Baker, a young woman who worked on his campaign team when he was running for Illinois Senator.

The paper claims "video surveillance tapes exist that are rather compromising for the 44th president of the United States." It also alleges that software engineers have dug up email exchanges between Obama and Baker since he has been President.

There are also claims that Michelle Obama found out about the affair and had Baker shipped off to Martinique.

Of course, these "new" revelations could be orchestrated by the ailing, tea-bagging Republican party, which is looking for anything to assassinate Obama's character and jeopardize health care and financial reform. A Lewinsky-type scandal involving Obama is the GOP's wet dream.

But why are these rumors coming from Europe? Here's a guess - Obama is wildly popular there, unlike in the U.S., so turning negative European opinion towards the President would work to the GOP's advantage. It's particularly curious that the rumors are coming from a Swiss source. Isn't that the country where the super-rich hide their money?

Vera Baker

Vera Baker was Obama's mistress: Swiss paper says it has evidence to prove it

Swiss newspaper Le Matin is reviving old claims that President Barack Obama had an extramarital affair in 2004 with Vera Baker, a young woman who worked on his campaign team when he was running for Illinois Senator.

The paper claims "video surveillance tapes exist that are rather compromising for the 44th president of the United States." It also alleges that software engineers have dug up email exchanges between Obama and Baker since he has been President.

There are also claims that Michelle Obama found out about the affair and had Baker shipped off to Martinique.

Of course, these "new" revelations could be orchestrated by the ailing, tea-bagging Republican party, which is looking for anything to assassinate Obama's character and jeopardize health care and financial reform. A Lewinsky-type scandal involving Obama is the GOP's wet dream.

But why are these rumors coming from Europe? Here's a guess - Obama is wildly popular there, unlike in the U.S., so turning negative European opinion towards the President would work to the GOP's advantage. It's particularly curious that the rumors are coming from a Swiss source. Isn't that the country where the super-rich hide their money?

Vera Baker

Vera Baker was Obama's mistress: Swiss paper says it has evidence to prove it

Swiss newspaper Le Matin is reviving old claims that President Barack Obama had an extramarital affair in 2004 with Vera Baker, a young woman who worked on his campaign team when he was running for Illinois Senator.

The paper claims "video surveillance tapes exist that are rather compromising for the 44th president of the United States." It also alleges that software engineers have dug up email exchanges between Obama and Baker since he has been President.

There are also claims that Michelle Obama found out about the affair and had Baker shipped off to Martinique.

Of course, these "new" revelations could be orchestrated by the ailing, tea-bagging Republican party, which is looking for anything to assassinate Obama's character and jeopardize health care and financial reform. A Lewinsky-type scandal involving Obama is the GOP's wet dream.

But why are these rumors coming from Europe? Here's a guess - Obama is wildly popular there, unlike in the U.S., so turning negative European opinion towards the President would work to the GOP's advantage. It's particularly curious that the rumors are coming from a Swiss source. Isn't that the country where the super-rich hide their money?

Thursday, April 29, 2010

Stuff only my Mom would care about:

AAAhhh, the family blog update. It will be severely boring to you unless you are my mother. So, Margie and Piper will try to take you along on a journey through our latest happenings...

Here we are waiting for Sue to throw the ball. She makes us wait too long, But we'll stand here forever, drooling, until she does:

One evening, she made an oven-roasted chicken and we couldn't stand the torture of being forced to smell it all night without being able to eat all of it. A lousy small treat portion was given:

Here's Leo who, just as he got good at climbing trees, has been quarantined inside after a neighbour complained of the cats pooping in their flower beds:

Here's sassy, jerk Napoleon. He whines a lot when he can't go outside. and whaps us and bites sometimes. what a jerk. but Susan seems to like cuddling with him for some reason:

Here's fat cat Phineas who lies around, eats, and meaows when he gets lost in the basement every 5 minutes:

Here we are running the ball back to susan so she'll throw it again to us for us to chase. our job is hard, but we love doing it:

We got to poop in this area of the yard for a year to get susan's garden all fertilized. then we got to eat all the grass out for her. then she planted her seeds yesterday, so we don't get to go in there anymore. But we do still have to eat all the grass around the fence, so our work is never complete, until winter (then we have the "stick project" to worry about):

Here's soem Spring litter susan found in our front yard after the snow melted. It was the most interesting as of yet! Half a Cinderella doll, a kid army jacket, energy drinks, and meat sticks... mmm, good stuff to chew on i'd say:

Here's all of us pets lying on susan as jon takes the picture. we like to all lie on her because she gets really warm and scratches our backs:

here's the front yard flowers this year. some sort of animal must've eaten all the Black Beauty tulips this year:

but here was a stray black beauty:

and an orange spikey one:

the parrot kind:


and a home-made hybrid:

The End. We hope you enjoyed our update... Do we get a treat now???

eminem not afraid

Eminem Calls Relapse 'Ehh' In New Song, 'Not Afraid'

Eminem unveiled "Not Afraid," the first single from his forthcoming Recovery album, on (April 29) Thursday morning, and the track is a strong departure from the usual lead cuts Slim Shady delivers: There are no jabs at pop-culture icons, no jovial goofballing. Mr. Mathers is reflective and remorseful over the Boi-1da-produced track.

"It's been a ride, I guess I had to go to that place to get to this one. Some of you might still be in that place. If you trying to get out, follow me," he says, talking at the beginning of the track.

As the raps starts to kick in, Em threatens to "tear down" those who looked down on him.

"You can try to read my lyrics off of this paper before I lay 'em/ But you won't take the sting out these words before I say 'em.

"I'm not afraid/ To take a stand," he continues on the chorus. "Everybody come take my hand/ We'll walk this road together through the storm/ Whatever weather come the war/ Just letting you know that you're not alone/ Holla if you feel been down the same road."

On the second verse, Em admits to some artistic missteps and declares that his last album, Relapse, was a bit of letdown.

"To the fans, I never let you down again, I'm back/ I promise to never go back on that promise," the MC says in the song's second verse. "In fact, let's be honest/ That last Relapse CD was ehh/ Perhaps I ran them accents into the ground/ Relax, I ain't going to do that now."

Later in the verse, Em talks about his personal struggles.

"But I think I'm still trying to figure this crap out/ Thought I had it mapped out, but I guess I didn't/ It's time to exorcise these demons / These muthaf---as are doing jumping jacks now."

As the song comes to a close, Em says he doesn't want any more drama and wants to focus on raising his family.

"I can't just keep living this way," he sings. "So starting today, I'm breaking out of this cage / I'm standing up, I'mma face my demons/ I'm manning up, I'mma hold my ground/ I've had enough, I'm so fed up/ Time to put my life back together right now."

eminem not afraid

Eminem Calls Relapse 'Ehh' In New Song, 'Not Afraid'

Eminem unveiled "Not Afraid," the first single from his forthcoming Recovery album, on (April 29) Thursday morning, and the track is a strong departure from the usual lead cuts Slim Shady delivers: There are no jabs at pop-culture icons, no jovial goofballing. Mr. Mathers is reflective and remorseful over the Boi-1da-produced track.

"It's been a ride, I guess I had to go to that place to get to this one. Some of you might still be in that place. If you trying to get out, follow me," he says, talking at the beginning of the track.

As the raps starts to kick in, Em threatens to "tear down" those who looked down on him.

"You can try to read my lyrics off of this paper before I lay 'em/ But you won't take the sting out these words before I say 'em.

"I'm not afraid/ To take a stand," he continues on the chorus. "Everybody come take my hand/ We'll walk this road together through the storm/ Whatever weather come the war/ Just letting you know that you're not alone/ Holla if you feel been down the same road."

On the second verse, Em admits to some artistic missteps and declares that his last album, Relapse, was a bit of letdown.

"To the fans, I never let you down again, I'm back/ I promise to never go back on that promise," the MC says in the song's second verse. "In fact, let's be honest/ That last Relapse CD was ehh/ Perhaps I ran them accents into the ground/ Relax, I ain't going to do that now."

Later in the verse, Em talks about his personal struggles.

"But I think I'm still trying to figure this crap out/ Thought I had it mapped out, but I guess I didn't/ It's time to exorcise these demons / These muthaf---as are doing jumping jacks now."

As the song comes to a close, Em says he doesn't want any more drama and wants to focus on raising his family.

"I can't just keep living this way," he sings. "So starting today, I'm breaking out of this cage / I'm standing up, I'mma face my demons/ I'm manning up, I'mma hold my ground/ I've had enough, I'm so fed up/ Time to put my life back together right now."

eminem not afraid

Eminem Calls Relapse 'Ehh' In New Song, 'Not Afraid'

Eminem unveiled "Not Afraid," the first single from his forthcoming Recovery album, on (April 29) Thursday morning, and the track is a strong departure from the usual lead cuts Slim Shady delivers: There are no jabs at pop-culture icons, no jovial goofballing. Mr. Mathers is reflective and remorseful over the Boi-1da-produced track.

"It's been a ride, I guess I had to go to that place to get to this one. Some of you might still be in that place. If you trying to get out, follow me," he says, talking at the beginning of the track.

As the raps starts to kick in, Em threatens to "tear down" those who looked down on him.

"You can try to read my lyrics off of this paper before I lay 'em/ But you won't take the sting out these words before I say 'em.

"I'm not afraid/ To take a stand," he continues on the chorus. "Everybody come take my hand/ We'll walk this road together through the storm/ Whatever weather come the war/ Just letting you know that you're not alone/ Holla if you feel been down the same road."

On the second verse, Em admits to some artistic missteps and declares that his last album, Relapse, was a bit of letdown.

"To the fans, I never let you down again, I'm back/ I promise to never go back on that promise," the MC says in the song's second verse. "In fact, let's be honest/ That last Relapse CD was ehh/ Perhaps I ran them accents into the ground/ Relax, I ain't going to do that now."

Later in the verse, Em talks about his personal struggles.

"But I think I'm still trying to figure this crap out/ Thought I had it mapped out, but I guess I didn't/ It's time to exorcise these demons / These muthaf---as are doing jumping jacks now."

As the song comes to a close, Em says he doesn't want any more drama and wants to focus on raising his family.

"I can't just keep living this way," he sings. "So starting today, I'm breaking out of this cage / I'm standing up, I'mma face my demons/ I'm manning up, I'mma hold my ground/ I've had enough, I'm so fed up/ Time to put my life back together right now."

quail hollow championship 2010

Tiger Woods: Quail Hollow Championship 2010; Tiger Woods Back in the Saddle Again

For all you golf fans the first round of the 2010 Quail Hollow Championship starts today in Charlotte, North Carolina. And the big news is that Tiger Woods is back!! This is Tiger's first official PGA Tour event of the year (not counting the Masters which is a special event).
Tiger Woods has already teed off this morning at Quail Hollow, and he scored a birdie on his first hole.

quail hollow championship 2010

Tiger Woods: Quail Hollow Championship 2010; Tiger Woods Back in the Saddle Again

For all you golf fans the first round of the 2010 Quail Hollow Championship starts today in Charlotte, North Carolina. And the big news is that Tiger Woods is back!! This is Tiger's first official PGA Tour event of the year (not counting the Masters which is a special event).
Tiger Woods has already teed off this morning at Quail Hollow, and he scored a birdie on his first hole.

quail hollow championship 2010

Tiger Woods: Quail Hollow Championship 2010; Tiger Woods Back in the Saddle Again

For all you golf fans the first round of the 2010 Quail Hollow Championship starts today in Charlotte, North Carolina. And the big news is that Tiger Woods is back!! This is Tiger's first official PGA Tour event of the year (not counting the Masters which is a special event).
Tiger Woods has already teed off this morning at Quail Hollow, and he scored a birdie on his first hole.

FIVE MINUTES FICTION: FASHION HEROINES - A shortstory by Luis Bento, Illustrated by Renato Abreu

Our friend and writer Luis Bento, author of the amazing blog bento-vai-pra-dentro agreed to the challenge of Fashion Heroines and created a shortstory for our "Five Minutes Fiction." As we found that the inspired text would be much more complete with an illustration, we challenge the illustrator Renato Abreu - author of the excellent site MAREAR  - who was inspired by Luis' shortstory, and also with his amazing talent, creating an original illustration to add to the story.

Now is the happy result of these exclusive collaborations (Bilingual) that Fashion Heroines is pleased to present. Get inspired!

Sometimes it slides, in a smooth performance, by the memory shredded in black and white from the chords of the national anthem to the end of the broadcast with a bang, up to the classroom where it still misspelled, stubbornly, Goa, Daman and Diu as overseas territories on the world map of scrolled ends, wanted to revoke the floor with a circumspect and pointless ribbons-cut in a picture with a President’s pose, full, medal and commendation in bold cynical sayings: EXCELLENCY THE PRESIDENT OF THE REPUBLIC ADMIRAL AMÉRICO TOMÁS. It was the whiteness of the tortured robes by the lye and the bleach OMO detergent, whitest white there, that it was discerned a tiny and stocky little figure, in round capsule, of Dona Irmelinda who was born between the lines of the sixties, already breasted with a cardigan knitted by the middle shiny pearl button, which was sold in the haberdashery, in an innocence pinky boxes cantoned in the shelves, behind the curved side of Mr. Arnold, with glasses stuck on the tip of the nose, scrutinizing stirring until eternity, sewing thread by coats and clark cut by a shit ! Embarrassed when he stabbed on the number three needles, which were in a painfully mess.

Breathless by General Taborda street up, with a basket crammed with fish and greens coming from the market where it was cheaper and fresh, without residual gloss, pigment, hair spray or perfume which were long lost in the archaeological remains of the Neolithic dissected by experts. Only the red stroked flushed her face in the haste, which she stole time on the macadam to avoid the smell of late towards the tobacconist, where supreme vice of luxury for the poor, she bought the “Crónica Feminina”/ The Female Chronicle magazine, to indulge in the fantasy of the illustrated novelette or the comfort of the dresses advertisements, bags and winter jackets that she needed one, in an innocent and consented alienation which was interrupted only by the car payments, gradually presented by the collector, growling in the yellow teeth of tobacco, that her husband also went to pay.

If a star had fallen from heaven, in the runway, languid and sensual, rich of necklines and boldness, a free angel was walking, powerful and shiny where the devil could even wear Prada, Armani or stained skin with sin, but above all, life was dressed in warm textures and a mix of brightly colored, romantic and devoid of prejudice. It was there where she knew him. His middle span and clean-shaven face, treated with the blessing of Apollo on the day of shooting darts. She came to the conclusion, however, that Darwin only germinate and evolved in the female universe and had set to flee of the first warning sign of the male iberian hunting. Fool! He was a fool! With his idiot smiling of a cheap conqueror, who mistook Louboutin with lobotomy that the Doctor Egas Moniz’s assistant made to the brain, a delicate operation of his aunt Emily. Smoky, yeah, all naked, so sure of his clumsy virility, thinking that he had taken her body and not realizing, even, that she only lent it to him for he was lost in the prison of his thighs. She outlined a malicious and inside smile. He let out a Torquemada’s Queluz west confident puffs, looking askance, air of an ass inquisitor. And she came back, surreptitiously, to D. Irmelinda and her earrings, lipsticks, face powder and other sparkling accessories that only a miracle or distraction of the Lord, let the pages of paper.

She would like to be fashionable, but only her sister-in-law, who was an unbridled who circumvent the misfortunes of life, and brought her a set of lipsticks from South Africa where women wore miniskirts, and they drank like men and smoked and everything, gave her a letter of manumission, though briefly, to the land of dreams. It was one of those days where, for distraction, she dared to try the sister-in-law’s gift, in front of the mirror, old and gnawed by the rust; she did not by the arrival of her husband. Upset because there was no lunch on the table and stunned by the colors of the rags, he was furious when he saw the phallic image of the lipstick torn threads between the fingers, ready to storm their parched lips. Raised his right arm he gave her a hard slap, the lipstick shattering into pieces on the bathroom floor. And then without thinking, she decided it was time to break the fear that shackled her in a narrowness and subservience outdated. Although he was preparing to raise the arm again when he was taken violently by a ceramic vase of Sacavem which cost a good five pounds of coins, in the head...

She bent down to pick up a stub of lipstick and, without repressing a smile, she inflated her chest with air, leaned over the mirror and began, calmly, to paint the lips, realizing then that the difference between subservience and emancipation was distant from only twelve points well done on her husband forehead by the dexterity and skills of the nursing service of an hospital, and being in the fashion tone was daring to live in a conceptual and aesthetic freedom in which life ... was the tone...

Text: Luis Bento
(Lost in) Translation: Paula Lamares
Illustrations: Renato Abreu


Às vezes escorregava em ,prestações suaves, pela memória desfiada a preto e branco desde os acordes do hino nacional a encerrar a emissão televisiva com estrondo, até aos bancos da escola onde se grafava ainda, teimosamente, Goa, Damão e Diu como territórios ultramarinos, no mapa-mundi de pontas enroladas a querer baldar-se para o chão junto de um circunspecto e inútil corta-fitas num retrato com pose de presidente, faixa, medalha e comenda com os dizeres em bold cínico: SUA EXCELÊNCIA O PRESIDENTE DA REPÚBLICA ALMIRANTE AMÉRICO TOMÁS. Era da alvura das batas torturadas pela lexívia e pelo OMO branco mais branco não há, que divisava a figurinha minúscula e atarracada, em redondo carica, da Dona Irmelinda nascida nas entrelinhas dos sessenta, já de casaquinho de malha assertoado pelo botão do meio de madrepérola reluzente que se vendia na retrosaria, em caixas de inocência rosácea, acantonadas nas prateleiras por trás do costado curvo do senhor Arnaldo, de óculos presos na ponta do nariz esmiuçando e remexendo até à eternidade , carrinhos de linha da coats and clark entrecortados por um chiça! envergonhado quando se espetava nas agulhas número três dolorosamente desarrumadas.

Esbaforida, pela rua General Taborda acima com a alcofa atafulhada de peixe, grelos e nabiças vinda da praça onde era mais barato e fresquinho, sem réstea de brilho, pigmento, laca ou perfume há muito perdidos nos vestígios arqueológicos dissecados por peritos do Neolítico. Apenas o vermelho afogueado lhe acariciava a face na pressa com que roubava tempo ao macadame para evitar o fedor a atraso em direcção à tabacaria onde, vício supremo do luxo de pobre, comprava a Crónica Feminina e se deixava levar pela fantasia da fotonovela ou pelo conforto dos anúncios dos vestidos, das malas e casacos de inverno que ela bem precisava de um, numa alienação inocente e consentida apenas interrompida pelas letras do carro que, paulatinamente apresentadas pelo cobrador, grunhiam nos dentes amarelos do tabaco que o marido ainda andava a pagar.

Se do céu caíra uma estrela, na passserele, lânguida e sensual, rica de decotes e ousadias, passeava-se um anjo livre, poderoso e reluzente onde o diabo até podia vestir Prada, Armani ou pele corada em pecado, mas acima de tudo, a vida se trajava de texturas quentes e garridas numa miscelânea de cor, romântica e despojada de preconceitos. Fora aí que o conhecera. Meio palmo de cara bem tratada e escanhoada com o beneplácito de Apolo em dia de tiro aos dardos. Chegara à conclusão, contudo, que Darwin só germinara e evoluíra no universo feminino e se pusera a fancos ao primeiro sinal de alerta da coutada do macho ibérico. Tolo! Era um tonto! De sorriso idiota de conquistador em saldos confundindo Louboutin com a lobotomia que o assistente do doutor Egas Moniz fizera à cabeça, numa operação delicada, da sua tia Emília.
Esfumaçava, perdidamente, todo nu seguro da sua viriidade canhestra pensando que lhe tomara o corpo e não se dando conta, sequer, que ela apenas lho emprestara para que ele se perdesse no cárcere das suas coxas. Ela esboçava um sorriso malicioso e interior. Ele soltava baforadas confiantes de Torquemada de queluz ocidental, olhando, de soslaio, ar de asno inquisidor. E ela voltava, sorrateiramente, à D. Irmelinda e aos seus brincos , batons, pó de arroz e outros acessórios reluzentes que, só por milagre ou distracção do Senhor, deixariam as páginas de papel.

Ela bem gostaria de andar na moda, mas só a cunhada, que era uma desbragada que fintara as desgaças da vida e lhe trouxera um conjunto de batons da África do Sul onde elas andavam de mini saia, bebiam como os homens e até já fumavam e tudo, lhe concedia carta de alforria , ainda que por breves instantes, para a terra do sonho. E foi num desses dias em que, por distracção , se atrevera a experimentar a prenda da cunhada diante do espelho gasto e roído de ferrugem, que não dera pela chegada do marido. Contrariado por não haver almoço na mesa e estarrecido pelas cores dos trapos, ficou furibundo quando vislumbrou a imagem fálica do batom esgaçando por entre os dedos, pronto a tomar de assalto os seus lábios ressequidos. Alçou o braço direito e deu-lhe uma palmada com força estilhaçando o batom em pedaços no chão da casa de banho. E então sem pensar, decidira que era altura de romper com o medo que a agrilhoava numa tacanhez e subserviência fora de moda. Ainda ele se preparava para alçar o braço de novo quando levou, violentamente, com um jarrão de loiça de sacavém que custara uns bons cinco kilos de escudos, na cabeça…

Baixou-se para apanhar um coto de batom e , não reprimindo um sorriso, inflou o peito de ar , inclinou-se sobre o espelho e começou, calmamente, a pintar os lábios, percebendo, então, que a diferença entre subserviência e emancipação distava apenas doze pontos bem cosidos na testa do marido pela destreza e perícia do enfermeiro de serviço no posto clínico e que, estar no tom da moda era ousar viver numa liberdade conceptual e estética em que a vida… era o tom…

Texto: Luis Bento
Ilustração: Renato Abreu

Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Dancing With The Stars Elimination April 27

Dancing with the Stars elimination April 27: Jake Pavelka sent packing

The Dancing with the Stars elimination April 27th spelled doom for former Bachelor star Jake Pavelka, as he finished the week with the lowest combined score from the judges as well as the fewest votes from the public.

It's yet another elimination for a reality TV star, which is ironic, considering the show itself is reality TV. The world of sports continued to hold its own, meanwhile, as Erin Andrews and her partner finished with the second-highest score of the week, while Chad Ochocinco climbed into third place.

A surprising fifth-place finish belonged to ice skater and Winter Olympic gold medalist Evan Lysacek, who thus far has been crushing it on the show.

In the end, though, Lysacek remains a favorite, along with Pussycat Dolls performer Nicole Scherzinger, who once again took the top spot.

I've mentioned a number of times the kind of advantage athletes have on a show like this, but Scherzinger might be the ultimate favorite given that she's a musical performer by trade. Dancing is part of her daily routine, no doubt.

Lysacek remains a favorite, too, and it wouldn't surprise me to see the two of them duke it out down the stretch for the top spot. Andrews remains my darkrhorse pick, though she's no longer under the radar after weeks of impressive performances.

Dancing With The Stars Elimination April 27

Dancing with the Stars elimination April 27: Jake Pavelka sent packing

The Dancing with the Stars elimination April 27th spelled doom for former Bachelor star Jake Pavelka, as he finished the week with the lowest combined score from the judges as well as the fewest votes from the public.

It's yet another elimination for a reality TV star, which is ironic, considering the show itself is reality TV. The world of sports continued to hold its own, meanwhile, as Erin Andrews and her partner finished with the second-highest score of the week, while Chad Ochocinco climbed into third place.

A surprising fifth-place finish belonged to ice skater and Winter Olympic gold medalist Evan Lysacek, who thus far has been crushing it on the show.

In the end, though, Lysacek remains a favorite, along with Pussycat Dolls performer Nicole Scherzinger, who once again took the top spot.

I've mentioned a number of times the kind of advantage athletes have on a show like this, but Scherzinger might be the ultimate favorite given that she's a musical performer by trade. Dancing is part of her daily routine, no doubt.

Lysacek remains a favorite, too, and it wouldn't surprise me to see the two of them duke it out down the stretch for the top spot. Andrews remains my darkrhorse pick, though she's no longer under the radar after weeks of impressive performances.

Dancing With The Stars Elimination April 27

Dancing with the Stars elimination April 27: Jake Pavelka sent packing

The Dancing with the Stars elimination April 27th spelled doom for former Bachelor star Jake Pavelka, as he finished the week with the lowest combined score from the judges as well as the fewest votes from the public.

It's yet another elimination for a reality TV star, which is ironic, considering the show itself is reality TV. The world of sports continued to hold its own, meanwhile, as Erin Andrews and her partner finished with the second-highest score of the week, while Chad Ochocinco climbed into third place.

A surprising fifth-place finish belonged to ice skater and Winter Olympic gold medalist Evan Lysacek, who thus far has been crushing it on the show.

In the end, though, Lysacek remains a favorite, along with Pussycat Dolls performer Nicole Scherzinger, who once again took the top spot.

I've mentioned a number of times the kind of advantage athletes have on a show like this, but Scherzinger might be the ultimate favorite given that she's a musical performer by trade. Dancing is part of her daily routine, no doubt.

Lysacek remains a favorite, too, and it wouldn't surprise me to see the two of them duke it out down the stretch for the top spot. Andrews remains my darkrhorse pick, though she's no longer under the radar after weeks of impressive performances.

Tuesday, April 27, 2010


Maybe I’m an old man, not so old, I mean, a middle age man… looking for some fun in the hostile planet of the Oldness.

I have two children; they are both in the end of the teenager period… or maybe not, they are teenagers that grew poorly. Really nobody likes to be sixteen or seventeen, only who are thirty years old wants to be teenager forever.

My wife refuses to get old; so she is obsessed to look like younger but this is an unfair fight because how much she would like to be young, older she looks like. It’s a contradiction that became a source of sorrow and that makes her bitter and ... even older, if it’s possible.

I’m a mixture of gravity, nostalgia and silliness, an unsophisticated person; So simple like that: I’m in peace with my newspaper and my pipe and every morning I look at the mirror and I like me, just like that… or maybe not… unsophisticated man, ground-to-earth enough to have no troubles with the middle age and the loss of virility… or maybe not… and I got used to hide the anguish of my situation.

I’m not a person to love at first sight. My children love me only because I’m their father and they haven’t another to replace me. To be a father is a situation for life, I think… or maybe not, because there is some who gave up being fathers, or maybe not… they are required to. It’s sad… or maybe not… everyone wants to be a father, who doesn’t? Not everyone, they are not bad persons after all, only the role doesn’t fit them. They can’t feature a beloved father because they don’t know anything about what a father must be or not be. But I’m not like that. I love my children as I love my wife; despite we never talked about love or anything suchlike feelings.

I'm actually a very reserved man; I think I have always been so. Educational issues, I think! All my life was about my duties… first my duties to my wife, to my children, then to my boss, to my neighbors… and so on. I am a duty man, I always was... or maybe not.

I never could imagine that something like that could happen to me. Really I don’t think these events could happen to a very simple man like I am. I don’t believe so… but they did. What can I do?

I lived all my life in that dirty and grey small town dominated by the seaport, with nothing really interesting …
On Saturday's night the young men went to the bowling and the young couples went to a pub to drink beer, shots and maybe dancing later in a local Disco. I never went to a place like that and I don’t like dance at all, I never dance… music to me was always a sort of distraction that I couldn't afford because I got married at twenty years old and I got the first son five months after the marriage. So I felt oldness since the thirties or less.

When I first met her it was about thirty years ago. She was twenty nine years old and she was everything I dislike in a woman. She smokes a lot, she drinks beer and Scott like men did. She worked in a local newspaper making photography and she wrote for a fashion magazine in New York too. She was what we call now an emancipated woman and men were afraid of her but in secret all called her a hooker.

At this time she had no boyfriend and some people said that she left her husband in London and fled to the United States to become a journalist and a photographer. I think she was good in both jobs and after a while she worked in a famous fashion magazine in the Apple big city. I didn’t know why she came to live in our ugly town… I never did.

At the time all women wanted to look like her, Sarah, it was her name. She always weared fashionable dresses and hats which fabrics she ordered from Paris and she made herself as the models only seen in actresses and artists from Hollywood. She hadn’t the perfect beauty of a doll but she was a glorious female beauty, so stylish and charming, what we men called a Vamp.
She made scandalous photos of completely naked men and women, so naked as they were born. Her home was always full of very weird and vicious people, artists as they called themselves. That place, her studio, a third floor in a bulding near the boat's berth, it was the hell and the purgatory at the same time. One they I was invited to have dinner with my boss' family, in some kind of party he made to celebrate the come back of his oldest son that went to war in Europe. She was there and when I saw Sarah I couldn't look her directly nor speak to her. I really never had seen a woman like her, only in movies, perhaps. Five months later I got married. And I never saw her again. Until now…

Thirty years later I met Sarah again in an exhibition at MoMa. I rarely leave home now since I decided to retire myself, but my daughter Marianne asked me so much to go to NY with her to see an exhibition of one of the most influents photographers ever: Irving Penn, who just died in last October. Marianne loves everything we can call it art and she used to be a photographer’s assistant during college. She never looked like her father, she always was so different from me and from her mother too, I think… maybe not… may be her mother was required by me what she never was. I realize now that my wife is a stranger to me, I don’t really know what she likes, if she likes music or what color is her favorite. We are married so long and we never talked anything but money and children. A husband must know what is his wife's favorite flower, but I don't.  

So I went to NY with Marianne… and at the gallery I saw Sarah. She looks the same but a bit older. Stylish and vamp as always. She looked beautiful and weird as I can remember. She looked at me and I think she know me. Her eyes got a bright light of recognition. Sarah became a very famous photographer and she was now a fashion editor in chief of an influent magazine, Marianne told me. Marianne asked me if I know Sarah and I said no, of course not. She told me that she lived in the same town as we did when she was young, at the beginning of her career. Maybe I had know her, I said. May be not… and I said nothing. My daughter said me that she would like to know Sarah and that she admire very much her work. She was a pioneer in female photography and nudity, Marianne said. I said nothing.

Now, in front of the infinite ocean, having the clouds to my witnesses and the sun as my god, I must confess something: I loved Sarah… I loved everything she was and whom she represented: Freedom and Beauty. Everything my life never was neither I never had. Freedom and Beauty, the lightness of beauty, the full colors against the grey tones, the courage and the daring to be weird in a time in which to be free was a sin.

Today, I must confess that I am not an old man in front of the sea. I am a stupid old man, maybe a fool middle age man, unsophisticated man... attached to the prohibition to speak to Sarah. I never could talked with her; I never dared to told her something very stupid. All my life is arrested by the simple fact that I never spoke to Sarah. Or maybe not… How depressing is that?

Text: Paula Lamares
Illustrations: William Kentridge 

Randy Quaid

Randy Quaid and wife jailed, then released after posting $100,000 bail each

Randy and Evi Quaid were briefly jailed Monday after showing up in the court two weeks late for a criminal case, authorities said.

The actor and his wife were released after posting $100,000 bail each and were told to return for a court hearing on Wednesday, the Santa Barbara Sheriff’s Department said in a news release.

The couple have repeatedly failed to show up for hearings in a felony case alleging they defrauded an inn out of more than $10,000. They also have been charged with burglary and conspiracy and have pleaded not guilty.

Photos taken Monday by the Santa Barbara News-Press showed the handcuffed couple smiling as they were escorted by deputies. The Quaids spent less than four hours in custody.

Their attorney, Robert Sanger, has said the money has been repaid and the Quaids hope to resolve the case without a trial. Sanger on Monday declined to comment on the case or say why the couple didn’t appear as scheduled earlier this month.

A judge ordered the couple’s $40,000 bail forfeited after they missed a hearing on April 12. Arrest warrants were issued after the Quaids failed to show up the following day as well.

Randy Quaid is best known for supporting roles in films such as “Independence Day” and “National Lampoon’s Vacation.” He is the older brother of actor Dennis Quaid.

The case has been ongoing since September. A criminal complaint alleges the couple used an invalid credit card to defraud the San Ysidro Ranch in Montecito of more than $10,000.

Randy Quaid

Randy Quaid and wife jailed, then released after posting $100,000 bail each

Randy and Evi Quaid were briefly jailed Monday after showing up in the court two weeks late for a criminal case, authorities said.

The actor and his wife were released after posting $100,000 bail each and were told to return for a court hearing on Wednesday, the Santa Barbara Sheriff’s Department said in a news release.

The couple have repeatedly failed to show up for hearings in a felony case alleging they defrauded an inn out of more than $10,000. They also have been charged with burglary and conspiracy and have pleaded not guilty.

Photos taken Monday by the Santa Barbara News-Press showed the handcuffed couple smiling as they were escorted by deputies. The Quaids spent less than four hours in custody.

Their attorney, Robert Sanger, has said the money has been repaid and the Quaids hope to resolve the case without a trial. Sanger on Monday declined to comment on the case or say why the couple didn’t appear as scheduled earlier this month.

A judge ordered the couple’s $40,000 bail forfeited after they missed a hearing on April 12. Arrest warrants were issued after the Quaids failed to show up the following day as well.

Randy Quaid is best known for supporting roles in films such as “Independence Day” and “National Lampoon’s Vacation.” He is the older brother of actor Dennis Quaid.

The case has been ongoing since September. A criminal complaint alleges the couple used an invalid credit card to defraud the San Ysidro Ranch in Montecito of more than $10,000.