Friday, July 31, 2009

Asperger's Syndrome

British Court Allows Hacker to be Extradited to U.S.
A British hacker who broke into U.S. government computer systems seeking evidence of alien life has failed in his latest efforts to block extradition to the U.S. to face trial. 

On Friday, the High Court ruled the extradition of Gary McKinnon, whose hacking exploits have drawn high-profile attention from U.K. Prime Minister Gordon Brown and celebrities such as David Gilmour of Pink Floyd, should proceed. Karen Todner, McKinnon's attorney, said they will lodge an appeal within 28 days, possibly taking the case to the U.K.'s Supreme Court.

McKinnon's attorneys had asked the court to review a refusal by the Director of Public Prosecutions (DPP) for England and Wales to prosecute the him in the U.K. British prosecutors maintain that the U.S. wants jurisdiction and that most evidence and witnesses are in the U.S. 

McKinnon had also asked the court to review his extradition order, which was approved by the U.K. government in July 2006, on the basis of his diagnosis with Asperger Syndrome, a neurological disorder characterized by obsessive behavior and deficiencies in social interaction.

"Gary is clearly someone who is not equipped to deal with the American penal system, and there is clear evidence that he will suffer a mental breakdown if extradited," Todner said in a news release.

Todner said that on Friday she sent a letter signed by 40 Members of Parliament to U.S. President Barack Obama, asking him "to step in and bring this shameful episode to an end."

McKinnon faces up to 60 years in prison for hacking into 97 U.S. military and NASA computers between February 2001 and March 2002. He was indicted in 2002 in the U.S. District Court for the Eastern District of Virginia.

While in the U.K., McKinnon has freely admitted to hacking the computers using a program called "RemotelyAnywhere," a remote access tool. He has said that many of the computer systems still had their default passwords, which is generally considered a poor security practice, and that other passwords were easy to obtain.

McKinnon contends he didn't harm the computer but was merely searching for proof of the existence UFOs. The U.S. military contends that McKinnon deleted critical files from its computers, which hampered its efforts after the Sept. 11, 2001, terrorist attacks.

Asperger's Syndrome

British Court Allows Hacker to be Extradited to U.S.
A British hacker who broke into U.S. government computer systems seeking evidence of alien life has failed in his latest efforts to block extradition to the U.S. to face trial. 

On Friday, the High Court ruled the extradition of Gary McKinnon, whose hacking exploits have drawn high-profile attention from U.K. Prime Minister Gordon Brown and celebrities such as David Gilmour of Pink Floyd, should proceed. Karen Todner, McKinnon's attorney, said they will lodge an appeal within 28 days, possibly taking the case to the U.K.'s Supreme Court.

McKinnon's attorneys had asked the court to review a refusal by the Director of Public Prosecutions (DPP) for England and Wales to prosecute the him in the U.K. British prosecutors maintain that the U.S. wants jurisdiction and that most evidence and witnesses are in the U.S. 

McKinnon had also asked the court to review his extradition order, which was approved by the U.K. government in July 2006, on the basis of his diagnosis with Asperger Syndrome, a neurological disorder characterized by obsessive behavior and deficiencies in social interaction.

"Gary is clearly someone who is not equipped to deal with the American penal system, and there is clear evidence that he will suffer a mental breakdown if extradited," Todner said in a news release.

Todner said that on Friday she sent a letter signed by 40 Members of Parliament to U.S. President Barack Obama, asking him "to step in and bring this shameful episode to an end."

McKinnon faces up to 60 years in prison for hacking into 97 U.S. military and NASA computers between February 2001 and March 2002. He was indicted in 2002 in the U.S. District Court for the Eastern District of Virginia.

While in the U.K., McKinnon has freely admitted to hacking the computers using a program called "RemotelyAnywhere," a remote access tool. He has said that many of the computer systems still had their default passwords, which is generally considered a poor security practice, and that other passwords were easy to obtain.

McKinnon contends he didn't harm the computer but was merely searching for proof of the existence UFOs. The U.S. military contends that McKinnon deleted critical files from its computers, which hampered its efforts after the Sept. 11, 2001, terrorist attacks.

Asperger's Syndrome

British Court Allows Hacker to be Extradited to U.S.
A British hacker who broke into U.S. government computer systems seeking evidence of alien life has failed in his latest efforts to block extradition to the U.S. to face trial. 

On Friday, the High Court ruled the extradition of Gary McKinnon, whose hacking exploits have drawn high-profile attention from U.K. Prime Minister Gordon Brown and celebrities such as David Gilmour of Pink Floyd, should proceed. Karen Todner, McKinnon's attorney, said they will lodge an appeal within 28 days, possibly taking the case to the U.K.'s Supreme Court.

McKinnon's attorneys had asked the court to review a refusal by the Director of Public Prosecutions (DPP) for England and Wales to prosecute the him in the U.K. British prosecutors maintain that the U.S. wants jurisdiction and that most evidence and witnesses are in the U.S. 

McKinnon had also asked the court to review his extradition order, which was approved by the U.K. government in July 2006, on the basis of his diagnosis with Asperger Syndrome, a neurological disorder characterized by obsessive behavior and deficiencies in social interaction.

"Gary is clearly someone who is not equipped to deal with the American penal system, and there is clear evidence that he will suffer a mental breakdown if extradited," Todner said in a news release.

Todner said that on Friday she sent a letter signed by 40 Members of Parliament to U.S. President Barack Obama, asking him "to step in and bring this shameful episode to an end."

McKinnon faces up to 60 years in prison for hacking into 97 U.S. military and NASA computers between February 2001 and March 2002. He was indicted in 2002 in the U.S. District Court for the Eastern District of Virginia.

While in the U.K., McKinnon has freely admitted to hacking the computers using a program called "RemotelyAnywhere," a remote access tool. He has said that many of the computer systems still had their default passwords, which is generally considered a poor security practice, and that other passwords were easy to obtain.

McKinnon contends he didn't harm the computer but was merely searching for proof of the existence UFOs. The U.S. military contends that McKinnon deleted critical files from its computers, which hampered its efforts after the Sept. 11, 2001, terrorist attacks.

so you think you can dance results

so you think you can dance results

Last night was the results show of “So You Think You Can Dance,” where we found out who America has chosen as their final four dancers of this season. The show started with a routine to “Send in the Clowns,” which had been choreographed by Tyce DiOrio.

Then according it went very quickly on to the results, where Jeanine was told she was safe and will be competing in this season’s finale. It then came to the guys turn and Brandon was told he is through to the finale next week.

In between the results, they showed some of the best dances from last season, which was nice for the fans watching. Plus Melissa, Ade, Kayla and Evan had to repeat their solo dances and then some guest dancers performed.

And finally it was down to the last results of the night, with Kayla being told she is in the finale and Melissa being sent home and Evan being told he is through to the finale and Ade being told he was going home. So the final 4 is Jeanine, Kayla, Brandon and Evan.

so you think you can dance results

so you think you can dance results

Last night was the results show of “So You Think You Can Dance,” where we found out who America has chosen as their final four dancers of this season. The show started with a routine to “Send in the Clowns,” which had been choreographed by Tyce DiOrio.

Then according it went very quickly on to the results, where Jeanine was told she was safe and will be competing in this season’s finale. It then came to the guys turn and Brandon was told he is through to the finale next week.

In between the results, they showed some of the best dances from last season, which was nice for the fans watching. Plus Melissa, Ade, Kayla and Evan had to repeat their solo dances and then some guest dancers performed.

And finally it was down to the last results of the night, with Kayla being told she is in the finale and Melissa being sent home and Evan being told he is through to the finale and Ade being told he was going home. So the final 4 is Jeanine, Kayla, Brandon and Evan.

so you think you can dance results

so you think you can dance results

Last night was the results show of “So You Think You Can Dance,” where we found out who America has chosen as their final four dancers of this season. The show started with a routine to “Send in the Clowns,” which had been choreographed by Tyce DiOrio.

Then according it went very quickly on to the results, where Jeanine was told she was safe and will be competing in this season’s finale. It then came to the guys turn and Brandon was told he is through to the finale next week.

In between the results, they showed some of the best dances from last season, which was nice for the fans watching. Plus Melissa, Ade, Kayla and Evan had to repeat their solo dances and then some guest dancers performed.

And finally it was down to the last results of the night, with Kayla being told she is in the finale and Melissa being sent home and Evan being told he is through to the finale and Ade being told he was going home. So the final 4 is Jeanine, Kayla, Brandon and Evan.



Fartlek Training,Fartleks:Fartlek training offers a wide range of athletes an effective ad efficient form of endurance conditioning…

But just like every other form of sports training you must structure the session to meet the demands of your sport..

Fartlek training allows the athlete to run freely over varying distances and at varying speeds. A single session might consist of walking, cruising and sprinting. It might last for 20 minutes or 5 miles. The variations are unlimited. And that means some specific guidelines are in order so each session can be made as effective as possible.

If you’ve read some of the other articles on the site you’ll appreciate the importance of specificity. It’s one the most important principles of training and one that is often overlooked.

In most fartlek training sessions intervals are kept relatively short and frequent. Anything too long simply becomes more like interval training. Each interval might range from 10 seconds up to 5 minutes for example.

For long distance runners (anything from 1500m to 10k) more structured sessions are beneficial. For example, you might run hard for 5 minutes (above race pace) then jog slowly for 1 minute to recover, and repeat that five or six times.

For multi-sprint sports such as soccer, basketball, racket sports, hockey and so on, shorter and more random intervals will be more appropriate. Consider tennis for example…

Plenty of stop-starting, movement patterns are unpredictable and very few rallies last longer than a minute at most.

A more effective fartlek training session then, would be a jog for 60 seconds, followed by a hard run for 30 seconds, followed by a jog for 30 seconds, followed by all-out sprint for 10 seconds, followed by a walk for 30 seconds. This would then be repeated for a total of 20-30 minutes.

In theory you could make the session up as you go along, throwing in some jogs, runs, sprints, backward running etc. as and when. But in practise this becomes hard for athletes to a) push themselves and b) measure progression over time.

Here are some example fartlek training sessions for different sports and events:



Fartlek Training,Fartleks:Fartlek training offers a wide range of athletes an effective ad efficient form of endurance conditioning…

But just like every other form of sports training you must structure the session to meet the demands of your sport..

Fartlek training allows the athlete to run freely over varying distances and at varying speeds. A single session might consist of walking, cruising and sprinting. It might last for 20 minutes or 5 miles. The variations are unlimited. And that means some specific guidelines are in order so each session can be made as effective as possible.

If you’ve read some of the other articles on the site you’ll appreciate the importance of specificity. It’s one the most important principles of training and one that is often overlooked.

In most fartlek training sessions intervals are kept relatively short and frequent. Anything too long simply becomes more like interval training. Each interval might range from 10 seconds up to 5 minutes for example.

For long distance runners (anything from 1500m to 10k) more structured sessions are beneficial. For example, you might run hard for 5 minutes (above race pace) then jog slowly for 1 minute to recover, and repeat that five or six times.

For multi-sprint sports such as soccer, basketball, racket sports, hockey and so on, shorter and more random intervals will be more appropriate. Consider tennis for example…

Plenty of stop-starting, movement patterns are unpredictable and very few rallies last longer than a minute at most.

A more effective fartlek training session then, would be a jog for 60 seconds, followed by a hard run for 30 seconds, followed by a jog for 30 seconds, followed by all-out sprint for 10 seconds, followed by a walk for 30 seconds. This would then be repeated for a total of 20-30 minutes.

In theory you could make the session up as you go along, throwing in some jogs, runs, sprints, backward running etc. as and when. But in practise this becomes hard for athletes to a) push themselves and b) measure progression over time.

Here are some example fartlek training sessions for different sports and events:



Fartlek Training,Fartleks:Fartlek training offers a wide range of athletes an effective ad efficient form of endurance conditioning…

But just like every other form of sports training you must structure the session to meet the demands of your sport..

Fartlek training allows the athlete to run freely over varying distances and at varying speeds. A single session might consist of walking, cruising and sprinting. It might last for 20 minutes or 5 miles. The variations are unlimited. And that means some specific guidelines are in order so each session can be made as effective as possible.

If you’ve read some of the other articles on the site you’ll appreciate the importance of specificity. It’s one the most important principles of training and one that is often overlooked.

In most fartlek training sessions intervals are kept relatively short and frequent. Anything too long simply becomes more like interval training. Each interval might range from 10 seconds up to 5 minutes for example.

For long distance runners (anything from 1500m to 10k) more structured sessions are beneficial. For example, you might run hard for 5 minutes (above race pace) then jog slowly for 1 minute to recover, and repeat that five or six times.

For multi-sprint sports such as soccer, basketball, racket sports, hockey and so on, shorter and more random intervals will be more appropriate. Consider tennis for example…

Plenty of stop-starting, movement patterns are unpredictable and very few rallies last longer than a minute at most.

A more effective fartlek training session then, would be a jog for 60 seconds, followed by a hard run for 30 seconds, followed by a jog for 30 seconds, followed by all-out sprint for 10 seconds, followed by a walk for 30 seconds. This would then be repeated for a total of 20-30 minutes.

In theory you could make the session up as you go along, throwing in some jogs, runs, sprints, backward running etc. as and when. But in practise this becomes hard for athletes to a) push themselves and b) measure progression over time.

Here are some example fartlek training sessions for different sports and events:

cash for clunkers suspended

cash for clunkers suspended

'Cash for Clunkers' Suspended? Funds Already Running Out,
The U.S. government's wildly popular Cash for Clunkers program was designed to help the struggling auto industry by giving owners of old cars money toward the purchase of a new, more fuel-efficient vehicle. But now the program appears to be running out of gas. It looks as if the money to buy up used cars has already been used up.

The White House announced late Thursday it was reviewing the program, denying earlier reports that "Cash for Clunkers" was being suspended. The conflicting announcements created confusion for buyers and car dealers alike.
Cash for Clunkers was supposed to continue through Nov. 1, 2009, or until the money ran out. But with the number of dealers participating, if each completed just a dozen cash for clunkers deals, the $1 billion would be spent. And some dealers have initiated more like 250 "Cash for Clunkers" deals -- 20 times what the government was expecting.

cash for clunkers suspended

cash for clunkers suspended

'Cash for Clunkers' Suspended? Funds Already Running Out,
The U.S. government's wildly popular Cash for Clunkers program was designed to help the struggling auto industry by giving owners of old cars money toward the purchase of a new, more fuel-efficient vehicle. But now the program appears to be running out of gas. It looks as if the money to buy up used cars has already been used up.

The White House announced late Thursday it was reviewing the program, denying earlier reports that "Cash for Clunkers" was being suspended. The conflicting announcements created confusion for buyers and car dealers alike.
Cash for Clunkers was supposed to continue through Nov. 1, 2009, or until the money ran out. But with the number of dealers participating, if each completed just a dozen cash for clunkers deals, the $1 billion would be spent. And some dealers have initiated more like 250 "Cash for Clunkers" deals -- 20 times what the government was expecting.

cash for clunkers suspended

cash for clunkers suspended

'Cash for Clunkers' Suspended? Funds Already Running Out,
The U.S. government's wildly popular Cash for Clunkers program was designed to help the struggling auto industry by giving owners of old cars money toward the purchase of a new, more fuel-efficient vehicle. But now the program appears to be running out of gas. It looks as if the money to buy up used cars has already been used up.

The White House announced late Thursday it was reviewing the program, denying earlier reports that "Cash for Clunkers" was being suspended. The conflicting announcements created confusion for buyers and car dealers alike.
Cash for Clunkers was supposed to continue through Nov. 1, 2009, or until the money ran out. But with the number of dealers participating, if each completed just a dozen cash for clunkers deals, the $1 billion would be spent. And some dealers have initiated more like 250 "Cash for Clunkers" deals -- 20 times what the government was expecting.

Thursday, July 30, 2009

linda trivisonno

linda trivisonno

Linda Trivisonno had persistence and a mortgage analyst’s help, and her story looks like it will have a happy ending.

When her husband died last year, she realized she was not going to be able to maintain the $1,300 monthly payments on her Fort Myers home. “There was no way,” she says.

She began a frustrating quest for somebody at her bank who would talk about modifying the loan.

Even after finally being steered to a woman who seemed ready to help, she never heard back.

“I called dozens and dozens of times.”

Finally, faced with imminent foreclosure, Trivisonno was able to get the lender to consider a modification proposal worked up for her by Lane Houk, a Fort Myers mortgage analyst.

linda trivisonno

linda trivisonno

Linda Trivisonno had persistence and a mortgage analyst’s help, and her story looks like it will have a happy ending.

When her husband died last year, she realized she was not going to be able to maintain the $1,300 monthly payments on her Fort Myers home. “There was no way,” she says.

She began a frustrating quest for somebody at her bank who would talk about modifying the loan.

Even after finally being steered to a woman who seemed ready to help, she never heard back.

“I called dozens and dozens of times.”

Finally, faced with imminent foreclosure, Trivisonno was able to get the lender to consider a modification proposal worked up for her by Lane Houk, a Fort Myers mortgage analyst.

linda trivisonno

linda trivisonno

Linda Trivisonno had persistence and a mortgage analyst’s help, and her story looks like it will have a happy ending.

When her husband died last year, she realized she was not going to be able to maintain the $1,300 monthly payments on her Fort Myers home. “There was no way,” she says.

She began a frustrating quest for somebody at her bank who would talk about modifying the loan.

Even after finally being steered to a woman who seemed ready to help, she never heard back.

“I called dozens and dozens of times.”

Finally, faced with imminent foreclosure, Trivisonno was able to get the lender to consider a modification proposal worked up for her by Lane Houk, a Fort Myers mortgage analyst.

sporting news top 50 coaches

sporting news top 50 coaches

Bowman Ranked 7th In Sporting News' Top 50 Coaches Of All-Time List
Chicago Blackhawks Senior Advisor, Hockey Operations Scotty Bowman has been listed at number seven in The Sporting News Magazine's Top 50 Greatest Coaches of All-Time list, which was released on Wednesday. Bowman is the highest ranked National Hockey League coach on the list, as selected by a panel of 118 Hall of Famers, championships coaches and other experts.

"I feel honored and privileged to be considered in such elite company," Bowman said. "It is a reflection on the many great Hall of Fame players that I had the good fortune to coach.

Bowman, who joined the Blackhawks Hockey Operations Department on July 31, 2008, has been a member of 11 Stanley Cup winning teams since 1973, which includes an NHL record nine as a head coach. The Montreal native is also the NHL's all-time leader with 1,224 regular-season wins and 223 postseason victories. Prior to joining the Blackhawks, Bowman has held a position in professional hockey since 1967.

Inducted into the Hockey Hall of Fame as a builder in 1991, Bowman is the only man in the history of the sport to lead three different teams to the Stanley Cup and has reached the league Finals 13 times as a bench boss. As a head coach, he has captured the Cup with the Montreal Canadiens (1973, 1976, 1977, 1978 and 1979), Pittsburgh Penguins (1992) and Red Wings (1997, 1998 and 2002). He served as the director of player development on Pittsburgh's 1991 Stanley Cup winning club and most recently celebrated his 11th league title with the Red Wings in 2008.

Bowman has coached an NHL record 2,141 contests and has captured the Jack Adams Award as the league's best coach twice (1977 and 1996). He also spent time behind the St. Louis Blues' bench (1967-71) and the Buffalo Sabres' bench (1979-87), while guiding his squads to the postseason in 29 of his 30 years as a head coach. He has coached in an NHL-best 13 All-Star games, which includes his final season in 2002, when he led the Red Wings to the Stanley Cup after posting 51 wins and 116 points during the regular-season. Statistically, Bowman registered his best season in 1995-96 when his Detroit team racked up an NHL record 62 wins.

sporting news top 50 coaches

sporting news top 50 coaches

Bowman Ranked 7th In Sporting News' Top 50 Coaches Of All-Time List
Chicago Blackhawks Senior Advisor, Hockey Operations Scotty Bowman has been listed at number seven in The Sporting News Magazine's Top 50 Greatest Coaches of All-Time list, which was released on Wednesday. Bowman is the highest ranked National Hockey League coach on the list, as selected by a panel of 118 Hall of Famers, championships coaches and other experts.

"I feel honored and privileged to be considered in such elite company," Bowman said. "It is a reflection on the many great Hall of Fame players that I had the good fortune to coach.

Bowman, who joined the Blackhawks Hockey Operations Department on July 31, 2008, has been a member of 11 Stanley Cup winning teams since 1973, which includes an NHL record nine as a head coach. The Montreal native is also the NHL's all-time leader with 1,224 regular-season wins and 223 postseason victories. Prior to joining the Blackhawks, Bowman has held a position in professional hockey since 1967.

Inducted into the Hockey Hall of Fame as a builder in 1991, Bowman is the only man in the history of the sport to lead three different teams to the Stanley Cup and has reached the league Finals 13 times as a bench boss. As a head coach, he has captured the Cup with the Montreal Canadiens (1973, 1976, 1977, 1978 and 1979), Pittsburgh Penguins (1992) and Red Wings (1997, 1998 and 2002). He served as the director of player development on Pittsburgh's 1991 Stanley Cup winning club and most recently celebrated his 11th league title with the Red Wings in 2008.

Bowman has coached an NHL record 2,141 contests and has captured the Jack Adams Award as the league's best coach twice (1977 and 1996). He also spent time behind the St. Louis Blues' bench (1967-71) and the Buffalo Sabres' bench (1979-87), while guiding his squads to the postseason in 29 of his 30 years as a head coach. He has coached in an NHL-best 13 All-Star games, which includes his final season in 2002, when he led the Red Wings to the Stanley Cup after posting 51 wins and 116 points during the regular-season. Statistically, Bowman registered his best season in 1995-96 when his Detroit team racked up an NHL record 62 wins.

sporting news top 50 coaches

sporting news top 50 coaches

Bowman Ranked 7th In Sporting News' Top 50 Coaches Of All-Time List
Chicago Blackhawks Senior Advisor, Hockey Operations Scotty Bowman has been listed at number seven in The Sporting News Magazine's Top 50 Greatest Coaches of All-Time list, which was released on Wednesday. Bowman is the highest ranked National Hockey League coach on the list, as selected by a panel of 118 Hall of Famers, championships coaches and other experts.

"I feel honored and privileged to be considered in such elite company," Bowman said. "It is a reflection on the many great Hall of Fame players that I had the good fortune to coach.

Bowman, who joined the Blackhawks Hockey Operations Department on July 31, 2008, has been a member of 11 Stanley Cup winning teams since 1973, which includes an NHL record nine as a head coach. The Montreal native is also the NHL's all-time leader with 1,224 regular-season wins and 223 postseason victories. Prior to joining the Blackhawks, Bowman has held a position in professional hockey since 1967.

Inducted into the Hockey Hall of Fame as a builder in 1991, Bowman is the only man in the history of the sport to lead three different teams to the Stanley Cup and has reached the league Finals 13 times as a bench boss. As a head coach, he has captured the Cup with the Montreal Canadiens (1973, 1976, 1977, 1978 and 1979), Pittsburgh Penguins (1992) and Red Wings (1997, 1998 and 2002). He served as the director of player development on Pittsburgh's 1991 Stanley Cup winning club and most recently celebrated his 11th league title with the Red Wings in 2008.

Bowman has coached an NHL record 2,141 contests and has captured the Jack Adams Award as the league's best coach twice (1977 and 1996). He also spent time behind the St. Louis Blues' bench (1967-71) and the Buffalo Sabres' bench (1979-87), while guiding his squads to the postseason in 29 of his 30 years as a head coach. He has coached in an NHL-best 13 All-Star games, which includes his final season in 2002, when he led the Red Wings to the Stanley Cup after posting 51 wins and 116 points during the regular-season. Statistically, Bowman registered his best season in 1995-96 when his Detroit team racked up an NHL record 62 wins.

iphone virus

iphone virus

LAS VEGAS--Researchers have discovered a way to take complete control over an iPhone merely by sending special SMS messages and demonstrated it on my iPhone at the Black Hat security conference on Wednesday.

Although an attacker could exploit the hole to make calls, steal data, send text messages, and do basically anything that I can do with my iPhone, the researchers were kind and merely rendered it temporarily inoperable.

Here's what happened: While I was talking on the phone to Charlie Miller, his partner, Collin Mulliner, sent me a text message from his phone. One minute I'm talking to Miller and the next minute my phone is dead, and this time it's not AT&T's fault. After a few seconds it came back to life, but I was not able to make or receive calls until I rebooted.

The attack is enabled by a serious memory corruption bug in the way the iPhone handles SMS messages, said Miller, a senior security researcher at Independent Security Evaluators. There is no patch, despite the fact that Apple was notified of the problem about six weeks ago, he said.

The attack is similar to an SMS attack demonstration CNET News wrote about in April in which mobile security firm Trust Digital was able to send an SMS to a phone that opened up a Web browser and directed the phone to a malicious Web site where malware could be downloaded.

In the more recent research, Android-based phones were found to be similarly susceptible to an SMS attack, only an attacker could temporarily knock the phone off the cell network but not take control, according to Mulliner, who's getting his PhD at the Technical University of Berlin. Google patched the hole last week within a day or two of being notified of the problem, he said.

Meanwhile, a bug in the code written by HTC that controls the user interface on Windows Mobile devices could also be exploited via the SMS messages to make it so there are no buttons to push so the phone can't be used, said Miller.

For the attack to work, an attacker must send hundreds of SMS control messages, which are different from regular SMS messages, according to Miller. Only the initial SMS may be seen, he said.

The researchers will demonstrate the attack on an Android phone and an iPhone during their presentation on Thursday.

Previous iPhone attacks required an attacker to lure the iPhone user to visit a malicious Web site or open a malicious file, but this attack requires no effort on the part of the user and requires only that an attacker have the victim's phone number, Miller said.

Once inside a victim's phone, the attacker could then send an SMS to anyone in the victim's address book and spread the attack from phone to phone, he said.

iphone virus

iphone virus

LAS VEGAS--Researchers have discovered a way to take complete control over an iPhone merely by sending special SMS messages and demonstrated it on my iPhone at the Black Hat security conference on Wednesday.

Although an attacker could exploit the hole to make calls, steal data, send text messages, and do basically anything that I can do with my iPhone, the researchers were kind and merely rendered it temporarily inoperable.

Here's what happened: While I was talking on the phone to Charlie Miller, his partner, Collin Mulliner, sent me a text message from his phone. One minute I'm talking to Miller and the next minute my phone is dead, and this time it's not AT&T's fault. After a few seconds it came back to life, but I was not able to make or receive calls until I rebooted.

The attack is enabled by a serious memory corruption bug in the way the iPhone handles SMS messages, said Miller, a senior security researcher at Independent Security Evaluators. There is no patch, despite the fact that Apple was notified of the problem about six weeks ago, he said.

The attack is similar to an SMS attack demonstration CNET News wrote about in April in which mobile security firm Trust Digital was able to send an SMS to a phone that opened up a Web browser and directed the phone to a malicious Web site where malware could be downloaded.

In the more recent research, Android-based phones were found to be similarly susceptible to an SMS attack, only an attacker could temporarily knock the phone off the cell network but not take control, according to Mulliner, who's getting his PhD at the Technical University of Berlin. Google patched the hole last week within a day or two of being notified of the problem, he said.

Meanwhile, a bug in the code written by HTC that controls the user interface on Windows Mobile devices could also be exploited via the SMS messages to make it so there are no buttons to push so the phone can't be used, said Miller.

For the attack to work, an attacker must send hundreds of SMS control messages, which are different from regular SMS messages, according to Miller. Only the initial SMS may be seen, he said.

The researchers will demonstrate the attack on an Android phone and an iPhone during their presentation on Thursday.

Previous iPhone attacks required an attacker to lure the iPhone user to visit a malicious Web site or open a malicious file, but this attack requires no effort on the part of the user and requires only that an attacker have the victim's phone number, Miller said.

Once inside a victim's phone, the attacker could then send an SMS to anyone in the victim's address book and spread the attack from phone to phone, he said.

iphone virus

iphone virus

LAS VEGAS--Researchers have discovered a way to take complete control over an iPhone merely by sending special SMS messages and demonstrated it on my iPhone at the Black Hat security conference on Wednesday.

Although an attacker could exploit the hole to make calls, steal data, send text messages, and do basically anything that I can do with my iPhone, the researchers were kind and merely rendered it temporarily inoperable.

Here's what happened: While I was talking on the phone to Charlie Miller, his partner, Collin Mulliner, sent me a text message from his phone. One minute I'm talking to Miller and the next minute my phone is dead, and this time it's not AT&T's fault. After a few seconds it came back to life, but I was not able to make or receive calls until I rebooted.

The attack is enabled by a serious memory corruption bug in the way the iPhone handles SMS messages, said Miller, a senior security researcher at Independent Security Evaluators. There is no patch, despite the fact that Apple was notified of the problem about six weeks ago, he said.

The attack is similar to an SMS attack demonstration CNET News wrote about in April in which mobile security firm Trust Digital was able to send an SMS to a phone that opened up a Web browser and directed the phone to a malicious Web site where malware could be downloaded.

In the more recent research, Android-based phones were found to be similarly susceptible to an SMS attack, only an attacker could temporarily knock the phone off the cell network but not take control, according to Mulliner, who's getting his PhD at the Technical University of Berlin. Google patched the hole last week within a day or two of being notified of the problem, he said.

Meanwhile, a bug in the code written by HTC that controls the user interface on Windows Mobile devices could also be exploited via the SMS messages to make it so there are no buttons to push so the phone can't be used, said Miller.

For the attack to work, an attacker must send hundreds of SMS control messages, which are different from regular SMS messages, according to Miller. Only the initial SMS may be seen, he said.

The researchers will demonstrate the attack on an Android phone and an iPhone during their presentation on Thursday.

Previous iPhone attacks required an attacker to lure the iPhone user to visit a malicious Web site or open a malicious file, but this attack requires no effort on the part of the user and requires only that an attacker have the victim's phone number, Miller said.

Once inside a victim's phone, the attacker could then send an SMS to anyone in the victim's address book and spread the attack from phone to phone, he said.



Powerball: Powerball Number: 33 Colorado Powerball tickets win $200 each,
Louisiana Lottery Powerball | Louisiana Lotto | Powerball Numbers | Louisiana Lottery Winning Numbers | Louisiana Lottery Corp. | Multistate Powerball Drawings | Louisiana Lotto Players | winners in Wednesday’s lottery drawings | no winning results

On Wednesday night’s the Louisiana Lotto and multistate Powerball drawing, the Powerball jackpot will grow to an estimated $120 million for Saturday since no one matched all 6 of the numbers.

Powerball tickets sold in New Orleans and Sulphur did win $200,000 by matching all five numbers, say Lottery officials. And Wednesday’s winning numbers were 2-5-38-43-59, the Powerball was 8 and the multiplier was 2.

According to AP, Colorado’s top prize was $200 apiece for 33 Power Play tickets that matched other number combinations.

Powerball was created in 1992 and launched in Colorado in 2001.

It’s now played in 30 states, the District of Columbia and the U.S. Virgin Islands.



Powerball: Powerball Number: 33 Colorado Powerball tickets win $200 each,
Louisiana Lottery Powerball | Louisiana Lotto | Powerball Numbers | Louisiana Lottery Winning Numbers | Louisiana Lottery Corp. | Multistate Powerball Drawings | Louisiana Lotto Players | winners in Wednesday’s lottery drawings | no winning results

On Wednesday night’s the Louisiana Lotto and multistate Powerball drawing, the Powerball jackpot will grow to an estimated $120 million for Saturday since no one matched all 6 of the numbers.

Powerball tickets sold in New Orleans and Sulphur did win $200,000 by matching all five numbers, say Lottery officials. And Wednesday’s winning numbers were 2-5-38-43-59, the Powerball was 8 and the multiplier was 2.

According to AP, Colorado’s top prize was $200 apiece for 33 Power Play tickets that matched other number combinations.

Powerball was created in 1992 and launched in Colorado in 2001.

It’s now played in 30 states, the District of Columbia and the U.S. Virgin Islands.



Powerball: Powerball Number: 33 Colorado Powerball tickets win $200 each,
Louisiana Lottery Powerball | Louisiana Lotto | Powerball Numbers | Louisiana Lottery Winning Numbers | Louisiana Lottery Corp. | Multistate Powerball Drawings | Louisiana Lotto Players | winners in Wednesday’s lottery drawings | no winning results

On Wednesday night’s the Louisiana Lotto and multistate Powerball drawing, the Powerball jackpot will grow to an estimated $120 million for Saturday since no one matched all 6 of the numbers.

Powerball tickets sold in New Orleans and Sulphur did win $200,000 by matching all five numbers, say Lottery officials. And Wednesday’s winning numbers were 2-5-38-43-59, the Powerball was 8 and the multiplier was 2.

According to AP, Colorado’s top prize was $200 apiece for 33 Power Play tickets that matched other number combinations.

Powerball was created in 1992 and launched in Colorado in 2001.

It’s now played in 30 states, the District of Columbia and the U.S. Virgin Islands.

Wednesday, July 29, 2009

microsoft yahoo

microsoft yahoo

Microsoft Yahoo Search Deal: The Most Important Facts (And Some Opinion),

Now that the search deal struck between Microsoft and Yahoo has been officially confirmed by both companies, by means of a press release and a website dubbed let’s take a step back and analyze the most important tidbits from the announcement:

As expected, Microsoft will power Yahoo Search while Yahoo! will become the exclusive worldwide relationship sales force for both companies’ advertisers.

This will have major repercussions for the online advertising industry, where both Microsoft and Yahoo are strongholds and carry a lot of weight. Likely, it will take months if not years to align these important businesses. As Yahoo CEO Carol Bartz indicated in the press release, on the flip side advertisers and publishers would benefit significantly from a unified platform and the promise of scalability allround. I believe this is indeed the core of being able to compete with both companies’ dominant rival, Google.

Of course the companies didn’t spell out Google in the official announcements made this morning (except for a link on the Yahoo blog post), but which other company “dominates more than 70 percent of all search”? We actually thought it was more like 65%, but the reality is that this difference in statistics isn’t nearly as important as the obvious fact that Google controls the large majority of search market share on one hand and even more of the advertising dollars that flow into there on the other hand. Clearly, Microsoft desperately wants a piece of this cake, and it won’t settle for a small one.

Microsoft has shown it can compete in search by releasing Bing which by now clearly has claimed its stake as a quality search engine that people actually use and enjoy using to boot. It helps that it has boatloads of cash ready to market Bing aggressively, and you can make sure that they will, too. Furthermore, the companies claim the search deal and technology exchange can lead to more innovation in search, which I agree with wholeheartedly and encourage on multiple levels. If it effectively will eat away at Google’s core business by stealing significant market share organically remains to be seen, though.

One of the most apparent facts in the announcement that was not known beforehand by any blogs or news sites, is the longevity of the agreement: 10 years, which is like an eternity in the Internet space. Microsoft will acquire an exclusive 10 year license to Yahoo’s core search technologies, which is basically the same as saying it just gained unparalleled access to the blueprint of Yahoo Search, something that can only lead to improvement of its Bing search engine. That and the fact that Bing will be the exclusive algorithmic search and paid search platform for Yahoo! sites confirms the notion that Sunnyvale has indeed given up on search in a big way.

Yahoo! will become the exclusive worldwide relationship sales force for both companies’ premium search advertisers. Self-serve advertising for both companies will be fulfilled by Microsoft’s AdCenter platform, and prices for all search ads will continue to be set by AdCenter’s automated auction process. That means there’s now Google AdWords vs. Microsoft AdCenter and Google AdSense s. Microsoft PubCenter, and little else that matters in the search marketing arena. Take note, marketers.

Microsoft will pay traffic acquisition costs to Yahoo at an initial rate of 88% of search revenue generated on Yahoo’s owned and operated sites during the first 5 years of the agreement, and guarantee revenue per search in each country for the first 18 months following initial implementation in that country. This is huge, and it shows Redmond will continue to chase after the heart of Google, no matter how much money it takes. After those 18 month and 5 year periods, it’s unclear what will happen. Important to note is that Yahoo! will continue to syndicate its existing search affiliate partnerships.

Yahoo expects to fully implement the combined effort within 24 months following regulatory approval, which it hopes to gain early 2010. The company estimates - based on current levels of revenue and operating expenses - that the agreement will provide a benefit to annual GAAP operating income of approximately $500 million and capital expenditure savings of approximately $200 million. Yahoo! also estimates that this agreement will provide a benefit to annual operating cash flow of approximately $275 million, something it sorely needs and which shareholders will be very happy about if it checks out eventually.

Already, Yahoo and Microsoft are fencing off regulatory investigation and criticism, stating clearly that they will be limiting the data shared between the companies to the “minimum necessary to operate and improve the combined search platform”, and restrict the use of search data shared between the companies.

What do you think: is this a win-win agreement for both Microsoft and Yahoo? How about users? Should Google be worried? Will the deal be approved at all?

microsoft yahoo

microsoft yahoo

Microsoft Yahoo Search Deal: The Most Important Facts (And Some Opinion),

Now that the search deal struck between Microsoft and Yahoo has been officially confirmed by both companies, by means of a press release and a website dubbed let’s take a step back and analyze the most important tidbits from the announcement:

As expected, Microsoft will power Yahoo Search while Yahoo! will become the exclusive worldwide relationship sales force for both companies’ advertisers.

This will have major repercussions for the online advertising industry, where both Microsoft and Yahoo are strongholds and carry a lot of weight. Likely, it will take months if not years to align these important businesses. As Yahoo CEO Carol Bartz indicated in the press release, on the flip side advertisers and publishers would benefit significantly from a unified platform and the promise of scalability allround. I believe this is indeed the core of being able to compete with both companies’ dominant rival, Google.

Of course the companies didn’t spell out Google in the official announcements made this morning (except for a link on the Yahoo blog post), but which other company “dominates more than 70 percent of all search”? We actually thought it was more like 65%, but the reality is that this difference in statistics isn’t nearly as important as the obvious fact that Google controls the large majority of search market share on one hand and even more of the advertising dollars that flow into there on the other hand. Clearly, Microsoft desperately wants a piece of this cake, and it won’t settle for a small one.

Microsoft has shown it can compete in search by releasing Bing which by now clearly has claimed its stake as a quality search engine that people actually use and enjoy using to boot. It helps that it has boatloads of cash ready to market Bing aggressively, and you can make sure that they will, too. Furthermore, the companies claim the search deal and technology exchange can lead to more innovation in search, which I agree with wholeheartedly and encourage on multiple levels. If it effectively will eat away at Google’s core business by stealing significant market share organically remains to be seen, though.

One of the most apparent facts in the announcement that was not known beforehand by any blogs or news sites, is the longevity of the agreement: 10 years, which is like an eternity in the Internet space. Microsoft will acquire an exclusive 10 year license to Yahoo’s core search technologies, which is basically the same as saying it just gained unparalleled access to the blueprint of Yahoo Search, something that can only lead to improvement of its Bing search engine. That and the fact that Bing will be the exclusive algorithmic search and paid search platform for Yahoo! sites confirms the notion that Sunnyvale has indeed given up on search in a big way.

Yahoo! will become the exclusive worldwide relationship sales force for both companies’ premium search advertisers. Self-serve advertising for both companies will be fulfilled by Microsoft’s AdCenter platform, and prices for all search ads will continue to be set by AdCenter’s automated auction process. That means there’s now Google AdWords vs. Microsoft AdCenter and Google AdSense s. Microsoft PubCenter, and little else that matters in the search marketing arena. Take note, marketers.

Microsoft will pay traffic acquisition costs to Yahoo at an initial rate of 88% of search revenue generated on Yahoo’s owned and operated sites during the first 5 years of the agreement, and guarantee revenue per search in each country for the first 18 months following initial implementation in that country. This is huge, and it shows Redmond will continue to chase after the heart of Google, no matter how much money it takes. After those 18 month and 5 year periods, it’s unclear what will happen. Important to note is that Yahoo! will continue to syndicate its existing search affiliate partnerships.

Yahoo expects to fully implement the combined effort within 24 months following regulatory approval, which it hopes to gain early 2010. The company estimates - based on current levels of revenue and operating expenses - that the agreement will provide a benefit to annual GAAP operating income of approximately $500 million and capital expenditure savings of approximately $200 million. Yahoo! also estimates that this agreement will provide a benefit to annual operating cash flow of approximately $275 million, something it sorely needs and which shareholders will be very happy about if it checks out eventually.

Already, Yahoo and Microsoft are fencing off regulatory investigation and criticism, stating clearly that they will be limiting the data shared between the companies to the “minimum necessary to operate and improve the combined search platform”, and restrict the use of search data shared between the companies.

What do you think: is this a win-win agreement for both Microsoft and Yahoo? How about users? Should Google be worried? Will the deal be approved at all?

microsoft yahoo

microsoft yahoo

Microsoft Yahoo Search Deal: The Most Important Facts (And Some Opinion),

Now that the search deal struck between Microsoft and Yahoo has been officially confirmed by both companies, by means of a press release and a website dubbed let’s take a step back and analyze the most important tidbits from the announcement:

As expected, Microsoft will power Yahoo Search while Yahoo! will become the exclusive worldwide relationship sales force for both companies’ advertisers.

This will have major repercussions for the online advertising industry, where both Microsoft and Yahoo are strongholds and carry a lot of weight. Likely, it will take months if not years to align these important businesses. As Yahoo CEO Carol Bartz indicated in the press release, on the flip side advertisers and publishers would benefit significantly from a unified platform and the promise of scalability allround. I believe this is indeed the core of being able to compete with both companies’ dominant rival, Google.

Of course the companies didn’t spell out Google in the official announcements made this morning (except for a link on the Yahoo blog post), but which other company “dominates more than 70 percent of all search”? We actually thought it was more like 65%, but the reality is that this difference in statistics isn’t nearly as important as the obvious fact that Google controls the large majority of search market share on one hand and even more of the advertising dollars that flow into there on the other hand. Clearly, Microsoft desperately wants a piece of this cake, and it won’t settle for a small one.

Microsoft has shown it can compete in search by releasing Bing which by now clearly has claimed its stake as a quality search engine that people actually use and enjoy using to boot. It helps that it has boatloads of cash ready to market Bing aggressively, and you can make sure that they will, too. Furthermore, the companies claim the search deal and technology exchange can lead to more innovation in search, which I agree with wholeheartedly and encourage on multiple levels. If it effectively will eat away at Google’s core business by stealing significant market share organically remains to be seen, though.

One of the most apparent facts in the announcement that was not known beforehand by any blogs or news sites, is the longevity of the agreement: 10 years, which is like an eternity in the Internet space. Microsoft will acquire an exclusive 10 year license to Yahoo’s core search technologies, which is basically the same as saying it just gained unparalleled access to the blueprint of Yahoo Search, something that can only lead to improvement of its Bing search engine. That and the fact that Bing will be the exclusive algorithmic search and paid search platform for Yahoo! sites confirms the notion that Sunnyvale has indeed given up on search in a big way.

Yahoo! will become the exclusive worldwide relationship sales force for both companies’ premium search advertisers. Self-serve advertising for both companies will be fulfilled by Microsoft’s AdCenter platform, and prices for all search ads will continue to be set by AdCenter’s automated auction process. That means there’s now Google AdWords vs. Microsoft AdCenter and Google AdSense s. Microsoft PubCenter, and little else that matters in the search marketing arena. Take note, marketers.

Microsoft will pay traffic acquisition costs to Yahoo at an initial rate of 88% of search revenue generated on Yahoo’s owned and operated sites during the first 5 years of the agreement, and guarantee revenue per search in each country for the first 18 months following initial implementation in that country. This is huge, and it shows Redmond will continue to chase after the heart of Google, no matter how much money it takes. After those 18 month and 5 year periods, it’s unclear what will happen. Important to note is that Yahoo! will continue to syndicate its existing search affiliate partnerships.

Yahoo expects to fully implement the combined effort within 24 months following regulatory approval, which it hopes to gain early 2010. The company estimates - based on current levels of revenue and operating expenses - that the agreement will provide a benefit to annual GAAP operating income of approximately $500 million and capital expenditure savings of approximately $200 million. Yahoo! also estimates that this agreement will provide a benefit to annual operating cash flow of approximately $275 million, something it sorely needs and which shareholders will be very happy about if it checks out eventually.

Already, Yahoo and Microsoft are fencing off regulatory investigation and criticism, stating clearly that they will be limiting the data shared between the companies to the “minimum necessary to operate and improve the combined search platform”, and restrict the use of search data shared between the companies.

What do you think: is this a win-win agreement for both Microsoft and Yahoo? How about users? Should Google be worried? Will the deal be approved at all?

gayatri devi

gayatri devi

Stylish 'Queen Mother' of Indian politics dies,
NEW DELHI — One of the last queens of India, Maharani Gayatri Devi, who was feted as an international style icon and spent time in jail after she became a politician, died on Wednesday, her family doctor said.

Devi, who was 90, married the Maharaja of Jaipur in 1939, becoming a member of the royal family that effectively ruled the city of Jaipur and the surrounding area of Rajasthan state.

The family -- surrounded by hundreds of servants -- lived a lavish life revolving around hunting, polo, entertaining friends and summers spent in Europe.

After India's independence from Britain in 1947, the family retained its local influence and much of its wealth, and Devi became a successful politician winning a seat in parliament in 1962 and retaining it twice in elections.

A critic of the Nehru-Gandhi dynasty, she was jailed by prime minister Indira Gandhi for five months for violating tax laws in the 1970s, when India's former ruling families were finally stripped of many of their privileges.

Devi, who was famed as a horsewoman and as a fashion trend setter, died in Jaipur after a long illness, the Press Trust of India quoted her doctor as saying.

She was once among Vogue magazine's list of the world's 10 most beautiful women and counted Britain's Queen Elizabeth and former US first lady Jacqueline Kennedy among her friends.

Devi, who was dubbed "Queen Mother", was also well-known for promoting education among women and she founded a prestigious school in Jaipur named after her.

gayatri devi

gayatri devi

Stylish 'Queen Mother' of Indian politics dies,
NEW DELHI — One of the last queens of India, Maharani Gayatri Devi, who was feted as an international style icon and spent time in jail after she became a politician, died on Wednesday, her family doctor said.

Devi, who was 90, married the Maharaja of Jaipur in 1939, becoming a member of the royal family that effectively ruled the city of Jaipur and the surrounding area of Rajasthan state.

The family -- surrounded by hundreds of servants -- lived a lavish life revolving around hunting, polo, entertaining friends and summers spent in Europe.

After India's independence from Britain in 1947, the family retained its local influence and much of its wealth, and Devi became a successful politician winning a seat in parliament in 1962 and retaining it twice in elections.

A critic of the Nehru-Gandhi dynasty, she was jailed by prime minister Indira Gandhi for five months for violating tax laws in the 1970s, when India's former ruling families were finally stripped of many of their privileges.

Devi, who was famed as a horsewoman and as a fashion trend setter, died in Jaipur after a long illness, the Press Trust of India quoted her doctor as saying.

She was once among Vogue magazine's list of the world's 10 most beautiful women and counted Britain's Queen Elizabeth and former US first lady Jacqueline Kennedy among her friends.

Devi, who was dubbed "Queen Mother", was also well-known for promoting education among women and she founded a prestigious school in Jaipur named after her.

gayatri devi

gayatri devi

Stylish 'Queen Mother' of Indian politics dies,
NEW DELHI — One of the last queens of India, Maharani Gayatri Devi, who was feted as an international style icon and spent time in jail after she became a politician, died on Wednesday, her family doctor said.

Devi, who was 90, married the Maharaja of Jaipur in 1939, becoming a member of the royal family that effectively ruled the city of Jaipur and the surrounding area of Rajasthan state.

The family -- surrounded by hundreds of servants -- lived a lavish life revolving around hunting, polo, entertaining friends and summers spent in Europe.

After India's independence from Britain in 1947, the family retained its local influence and much of its wealth, and Devi became a successful politician winning a seat in parliament in 1962 and retaining it twice in elections.

A critic of the Nehru-Gandhi dynasty, she was jailed by prime minister Indira Gandhi for five months for violating tax laws in the 1970s, when India's former ruling families were finally stripped of many of their privileges.

Devi, who was famed as a horsewoman and as a fashion trend setter, died in Jaipur after a long illness, the Press Trust of India quoted her doctor as saying.

She was once among Vogue magazine's list of the world's 10 most beautiful women and counted Britain's Queen Elizabeth and former US first lady Jacqueline Kennedy among her friends.

Devi, who was dubbed "Queen Mother", was also well-known for promoting education among women and she founded a prestigious school in Jaipur named after her.